Governor Abbott Releases 2022-2023 Budget With Key Priorities
AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott on Friday released his budget for the 2022-2023 biennium.
The Governor’s budget ensures that the State of Texas continues to build on the critical progress made in public school finance, property tax reform, disaster preparedness, school safety, and numerous other achievements of previous legislatures.
It also ensures that Texas has the ability to look toward the future as our economy moves beyond the pandemic and the state makes critical investments without raising taxes on hardworking Texans.
“I truly believe that Texas will be able to meet its needs and serve the taxpayers and residents of our state during this biennium and beyond,” reads the Governor’s introductory letter. “We must also look toward the future as our economy moves beyond the pandemic. We will take action so the state can remain a model for the rest of the nation by providing for a healthier, safer, freer, and more prosperous Texas.”
Highlights of the Governor’s budget:
- Ensuring Access to COVID – 19 Vaccines and Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics
- Ensuring Healthcare Access for Texans with Preexisting Conditions
- Increasing the Availability of Teleservices and Expanding Access to Broadband
- Ensuring Compliance with the Federal Foster Care Lawsuit
- Providing Law Enforcement Access to Training
- Providing Additional Body Cameras for Peace Officers
- Enhancing Capitol Security
- Reforming our Flawed Bail Program
- Ensuring Election Integrity
- Addressing Learning Loss Due to COVID-19
- Creating a Broad Foundation for Civics Knowledge
- Attracting Jobs to Texas