Great Springs Project unveils trail alignment for Austin-San Antonio
The nonprofit Great Springs Project (GSP) released its proposed master trail alignment on April 11 for a 100-mile hike and bike trail from Austin to San Antonio preserving 50,000 acres over the Edwards Aquifer.
This trail would connect Barton Springs, San Marcos Springs, Comal Springs, and San Antonio Springs. Sections of the trail will likely be built in phases, with the order of phases depending on key factors such as funding, landowner negotiation, establishing right-of-way, permitting, design, and construction.
No budget has been set for the project as multiple factors are still at play, such as private landowners’ willingness to cooperate, public funding, and trail alignment.
Project organizers estimate the overall cost of the trail to reach hundreds of millions of dollars. GSP is striving to finish the trail and conservation efforts by 2036.
Recently, Austin began construction on a missing link of the Violet Crown Trail, which will likely become the first segment of the Great Springs Trail leaving Austin. Construction is being completed using voter-approved bonds.
The GSP has already garnered strong support, including endorsements from members of Texas’ congressional delegation. Many private companies are also supporting the project.
Source: Strategic Partnerships
Is that really a concrete trail? Or is it just a stock photograph?
Msa. Knight,
We apologize as it is a stock photo and not an artists’ rendering of the proposed project.
How many public parks could be built for that? How much sooner could we get them?
I joked that we should get the Spurs out here to do a post-Rona celebration & community outreach project. The more I think about it, the better it gets. (Especially, since it will keep Pop away from the wine.) Fischer Park is legit one of the nicer parks in the area. A quick & dirty search showed it cost about $8M to build. We are can have dozens of those spread through out the area.
Instead we want to blow cash on a sidewalk that won’t ever be completed and will get zero use. Who’s cracked-out son needs a job?