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Hays County Commissioners Hold Final Budget Workshop

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, the Hays County Commissioner’s Court held their last budget workshop for the 2019-2020 budget.

The workshop, which began around 10:30 AM, ran for several hours while Commissioners heard requests from the last few remaining departments.

Commissioners also heard from the Greater San Marcos Partnership, who provides the county with Economic Development services.

Adriana Cruz, President of GSMP, said the organization has been contracted to provide those services for the county since 2010. In 2016, the county raised the amount of the contract for $250,000.

In the Judge’s recommended budget, however, the amount had been reduced the county was to pay to GSMP to $100,000.

Becerra said it had not his intent to zero anyone out but merely his attempt to provide a lien, efficient budget for the county.

Former Texas Rep. Patrick Rose, chair of the GSMP board, addressed commissioners and told them that the reduction would deeply impact the organization’s overall budget and services. Rose asked the court to honor GSMP’s contract from 2016 and restore the amount to $250,000.

Commissioners did not discuss the request or pose anything for a general consensus. 

Following presentations, Commissioners discussed departments’ personnel and financial requests and noted items, which received a general consensus.

Among the items Commissioners showed a general consensus of 3 or more in agreement on are:

  • Increasing Hays County District Attorney’s office budget by $500,000
  • Using Reserve funds to purchase a scanner for Human Resources
  • Giving all elected officials, except the commissioner’s court, a 5 percent increase totaling approximately $102,000
  • Lowering the road tax rate by 1 penny, generating $2 million
  • Contracting an assistant associate judge for magistration services, budget impact $150,000
  • Restoring the internship program to the Office of Legal Counsel
  • Regrading all positions according to HR’s recommendations, budget impact approximately $800,000

During their first budget workshop, commissioners approved the restoration of several positions in the County-Wide Operations department 4-1 with Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra voting against.

No vote was taken during Tuesday’s budget workshop.

Commissioner Lon Shell said he felt they all needed an opportunity to review and go through the budget and proposals individually before deciding. 

Final decisions on budget amendments will go before the dais for approval before September 17. 

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