Hays County Commissioners To Consider County Law Enforcement 2018 Racial Profiling Reports, More
Staff Reports
The Hays County Commissioners will consider the approval of several items Tuesday, Feb. 12, including the 2018 Racial Profiling Report from the Hays County Constable Office Pct. 4 and the Hays County Sheriff’s Office.
But first, the Hays County Animal Control deputies will be presented hazardous material masks on behalf of the Hays County Citizen Sheriff’s Academy Alumni Association.
According to the agenda, the HCCSAAA used fundraising money to purchase the masks for the protection of the deputies in the Animal Control Division of the Hays County Sheriff’s Office.
Commissioners will consider the approval and acceptance of the Hays County Constable Office Pct. 4’s 2018 racial profiling report. The report is required by Senate Bill 1074 of the 76th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature; the bill was amended by House Bill 3389 in the 81st legislative regular sessions.
HB 3389 amended the Occupations Code to continue the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Standards and Education until Sept. 1, 2021.
The bill requires law enforcement agencies to update policies and report “requirements regarding racial profiling and motor vehicle stops and provide for related disciplinary procedures and to establish a civil penalty for a law enforcement agency that fails to submit certain incident-based data to the commission.”
The Hays County Sheriff’s Office submitted their 2018 Racial Profiling Report on Jan. 15. However, “during the submission of the report, it was determined that TCOLE had new data requirements and required a newer version of the report.”
Commissioners with consider accepting and approving the amended report for the Hays County Sheriff’s Office.
In other news, Commissioners will consider authorizing the Sheriff’s office to utilize county-wide self-insurance funds for vehicle repairs and amend the budget accordingly. The amount of funds the sheriff’s office has requested is $4,268.00.
According to the agenda, “the repairs are for a 2016 Ford Explorer that was involved in a fleet accident; Unit 1615 will require front bumper and fender repairs as well as a replacement brush guard. Three quotes are obtained with Chuck Nash providing the lowest bid of $4,267.87. The Sheriff’s Office is requesting the court to transfer funds from Countywide Self-Insurance to the S.O. Vehicle Maintenance g/l.”
Commissioners court will start at 9 AM Tuesday.