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Hays County Emergency Management Seeks Storm Damage Reports For Tracking Purposes

“One of the ways we get accurate historical data on storms, their paths and the damage they cause is from reports from homeowners and business owners about any damage to their property,”

Hays County Courthouse, TX – The Hays County Emergency Management Office is seeking information about the storms that brought high winds, hail, lightning and rain to much of Hays County Sunday night, February 19, into Monday morning, February 20.

“One of the ways we get accurate historical data on storms, their paths and the damage they cause is from reports from homeowners and business owners about any damage to their property,” Emergency Management Coordinator Kharley Smith said. “If your property sustained damage – fences or trees down, shingles missing, sheds damaged, lightning strike, windshields or windows broken, rain damage – it would be helpful for us to know about it so we can accurately track the storm’s path.”

Smith cautioned that reporting damage to Emergency Management is a voluntary activity and is not a substitute for reporting damage to your insurance agency. She noted that a request for assistance from state or federal agencies is not anticipated. To report your damage, send an email with your name, address of the damaged property, the time the damage occurred and the types of damage to ReportHaysStormDamage@co.hays.tx.us.


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