Innovation Awards To Be Presented At TWDB Conference

The Texas Water Development Board will began accepting entries for the Innovative Water Supply Awards on Oct. 10.


The inaugural awards recognize projects that helped develop or conserve water supplies in Texas.  Awards will be presented at the Water for Texas 2017 conference held Jan. 23-25.


“The theme for the conference this year is innovation,” said TWDB’s Kathleen Ligon. The awards represent the broader innovations being applied in the field of water supply. 


Awards will be presented in three categories: technology, conservation and education. The technology award will recognize a project utilizing a new technology, advancing a current technology or using an existing technology for water supplies in a new way. 


The conservation award will recognize a project that conserves high volumes of water or advanced the field of conservation. The education award will go to a project that increases awareness about water supplies in the state. 


The submission deadline is Nov. 18. Public and private entities are encouraged to enter.  Click here for details. 

This article originally published by Strategic Partnership llc.

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