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Join Us For a Webinar: PACE in Texas 101

Posted by Staff  |  @CorridorNews

Energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewables/distributed generation upgrades for buildings provide significant economic savings and environmental benefits, but many businesses face barriers to pursuing these investments in commercial properties because of capital costs. In 2013, Texas passed legislation enabling cities and counties to create Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) districts to help commercial building owners access a new financing mechanism for these energy improvements.

SECO is presenting a 60-minute “PACE in Texas 101? webinar that will provide an introduction to Texas PACE, offer an update on the status of PACE around the state and highlight the local benefits of starting a PACE program in your community. Register now for the webinar with SECO, SPEER and Keeping PACE in Texas to hear about how PACE financing works in Texas, the local impacts of the program, and how to get one started in your region.

Join Us: Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014 – 10:00am – 11:00am CST

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