Kyle City Councilmember Files For Sheriff In 2020 Primary
Staff Reports
Last week, Alex Villalobos, Kyle City Councilmember District 4 and Hays County Chief of Staff, announced his filing for Hays County Sheriff election in 2020.

On December 3, Villalobos filled his appointment of a campaign treasurer to run in the March 3, 2020 Democratic Primary election.
Villalobos was elected to Kyle City Council District 4 in November 2017. Previously, he served as a Texas State University Police Officer for over ten years.
In March, the Hays County Commissioners Court appointed him as a reserve deputy constable, who was assigned to the Hays County Judge’s Office as a protection detail.
During the appointment, Constable Ray Helm noted that Villalobos is listed on the “Brady List,” which is a composited list of law enforcement officers who have been found to have been untruthful or to have violated codes of conduct.
The list comes from the 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case, Brady V. Maryland, which established the Brady Doctrine, a pretrial discovery rule that requires the prosecution to turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defendant in a criminal case.
More information from Harvard Law on the Brady Doctrine, https://harvardlpr.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2013/05/5.2_8_Serota.pdf
An officer, who is untruthful on anything, can be added to the Brady List, according to Helm.

In November, the Austin-American Statesman reported a former Texas State University Police Officer, Jason Moreno, had filed a lawsuit in the Travis County District Court against the University for wrongful termination.
Villalobos is named in the lawsuit, which alleges Moreno was fired by Texas State PD after reporting the former Texas State PD Chief of Staff (Villalobos) had used his position for personal benefit of a brother.
Monica Becerra has been listed as Villalobos’s campaign manager for the Democratic primary.
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