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Kyle Flood Debris Cleanup Complete

Kyle city officials coordinated post-flood cleanup in neighborhoods across the city. We know of five areas that were hard hit due to the more than 17 inches of rain that fell within about 24 hours between Oct. 30-31. That much water in such a short amount of time will have a damaging impact in some locations.
As of Nov. 10, the city’s flood cleanup efforts are complete and no further pick-ups of flood-related debris will be collected curbside or through TDS rolloff dumpsters.
Kyle city residents who still have flood-damaged items should contact the BR3T, a regional flood recovery organization, at 512-677-9701, to request volunteer assistance. There is no guarantee the organization will be able to assist with debris removal.
You may also want to call Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) for a bulk pick-up at 512-421-1300.
We again want to recognize our excellent front line teams from 911 Dispatch, Police, Public Works and the Parks Department for their efforts during and after the flooding.

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