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Kyle Names SM Mayor Arredondo As Interim Head Of Housing Authority

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100Kyle Housing Authority Board appointed former San Marcos Mayor Frank Arredondo to be the authority’s interim director

Arredondo has affiliations with the Department of Housing and Urban Development and was a Housing Program Advisor with FHA (The Federal Housing Administration.)

San Marcos and Hays County has received significant contributions through Mayor Frank Arredondo.

With selfless acts of leadership and humanitarianism, our community is overwhelmingly a better place to live and raise our families.

Arredondo served on the San Marcos City Council and as San Marcos Mayor 1974-1979.

Arredondo, who was inducted into the San Marcos High School Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame on 2007, earned a BBA from SWT (Texas State University), he completed executive management training at John F. Kennedy School of Government while attending Harvard University.

Later he Arredondo set on course an active group that has made positive contributions to the San Marcos community through its scholarship activities, community activism and civic engagement initiatives and retired from the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Arredondo has affiliations as an Account Liaison, Department of Housing and Urban Development and Housing Program Advisor with FHA (The Federal Housing Administration.) 


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