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Man Shot by APD Was Suspect in San Marcos Car Burglaries

The man killed in an Austin officer-involved shooting Sunday was a suspect in multiple recent thefts and vehicle burglaries in San Marcos.



Darrin Andrew Martin (DOB 07/25/1990) died in an exchange of gunfire with an Austin police officer Sunday after a security guard caught him burglarizing vehicles in the downtown Austin area.



The keys to a vehicle reported stolen from 1700 block of Mill Street in San Marcos on Saturday afternoon were found in his possession.



Martin is the man shown in video stills released on City social media on Monday.  He is suspected in two credit card abuse cases in which credit cards were stolen out of vehicles and used at Wal-Mart shortly thereafter.



Approximately 30 burglaries in San Marcos match crimes in which police say Martin was involved: credit cards, cash, weapons and other items taken from unlocked vehicles.



“Although one prolific burglar has been identified, there are still more out there,” said Commander Kelly Earnest. “The best way to protect against vehicle burglary is to remember: ‘Lock it or lose it!’ Lock your vehicle, and keep valuables hidden from sight.”



The San Marcos Police Department extends its thanks to the Austin Police Department for the close cooperation and aid in identifying this suspect.

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