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Meadows Center To Host A Fourth Of July Celebration At Spring Lake

SAN MARCOS, TEXAS Enjoy a unique, family fun-filled celebration of American Independence at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment’s Fourth of July Celebration at Spring Lake, featuring family activities, sunset glass-bottom boat cruises and a fireworks-viewing party on the rooftop.

The event will kick-off with a Family Fun Day from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Headwaters Green, with games and nature-themed crafts inspired by the American spirit and specially designed for kids and their families. These activities are free and open to the public.

Evening festivities will include sunset glass-bottom boat cruises and a fireworks-viewing on the rooftop. During the evening boat tour, guests will enjoy breathtaking views of the sun setting over Spring Lake.

“Spring Lake is even more majestic when experienced at sunset,” Miranda Wait, Deputy Director of Spring Lake Operations, said. “This evening boat tour will offer guests a rare opportunity to see the aquatic wildlife that emerges after sunset.”

Tours will start at 7:45 PM and 8:15 PM, and tickets must be purchased in advance. Ticket packages include a sunset glass-bottom boat cruise and guarantee your spot at the fireworks viewing party. Ticket packages range from $12 to $15 per person; children 3 and under are free. To purchase tickets, visit http://bit.ly/SpringLakeJuly4.

The celebration concludes with an exclusive view of the San Marcos Fireworks Show from the rooftop at 9:00 p.m. to watch the fireworks glow against the crystal-clear waters of Spring Lake. Snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase. If you do not buy a ticket package, a $5 suggested admission for the rooftop viewing will be available at the door. Guests are encouraged to bring a chair.

For more information, visit http://bit.ly/2Y1Btxg or contact The Meadows Center at 512.245.7570.


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