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New Residential Construction; U.S. Census Bureau


09/20/2016 08:30 AM EDT

New Residential Construction

Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,139,000.
This is  0.4 percent (±1.6%)* below the revised July rate of 1,144,000 a
nd is 2.3 percent (±1.5%) below the August 2015 estimate of 1,166,000.
Single-family authorizations in August were at a rate of 737,000; this is 3.7 percent (±3.0%) above the revised July figure of 711,000.
Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 370,000 in August.

Privately-owned housing starts in August 2016 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,142,000. This is 5.8 percent (+/- 9.7%)* below the revised July 2016 estimate of 1,212,000.

August 2016: -5.8* % change

July 2016 (r): +1.4* % change

New Single-family Homes in 2015



Do you know how many new homes constructed in 2015 had four bedrooms or more?
What about the average price of a new home sold in 2015?


You can discover the answers by exploring the interactive house below, which highlights annual data from the Survey of Construction.
All characteristics data, including estimates for new multifamily housing, are on our Characteristics of New Housing page



 (*) The 90% confidence interval includes zero. The Census Bureau does not have sufficient statistical evidence to conclude that the actual change is different from zero.

 (°) Statistical significance is not applicable or not measurable for these surveys. The Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories and Orders estimates are not based on a probability sample, so we can neither measure the sampling error of these estimates nor compute confidence intervals.

(r) Revised.

All estimates are seasonally adjusted except for the Rental Vacancy Rate, Home Ownership Rate, Quarterly Financial Report for Retail Trade, and Quarterly Services Survey. None of the estimates are adjusted for price changes.



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