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San Marcos Parking Restrictions In ‘General Area Of Downtown’ And City Charter Changes On Wednesday’s Agenda

San Marcos City Council will review and vote on several major items for their residents and future of San Marcos…. including parking restrictions in ‘General Area Of Downtown’ & City Charter changes…

The San Marcos City Council will be holding their regular meeting on Wednesday this week due to the holiday and will review and vote on multiple major items for their residents and future of San Marcos.

The council will be considering, discussing, approving and/or giving direction to staff on the following items;

  • Creating a two-hour parking restriction between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday in the general area of downtown San Marcos
  • Discussion regarding contracts with the It Hays County Election Administrator for Election Services and a Joint Election Agreement with Hays County
  • Review Fiscal Year 2017 approved Capital Improvement Projects as they relate to the upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 bond sale and discuss the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget
  • Creating a two-hour parking restriction between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday in the general area of downtown San Marcos
  • Consider approval of Resolution for the San Marcos River Access Point Repair Project
  • Purchase of Limestone Blocks for the San Marcos River Access Point Repair Project
  • Veterans Park Memorial Improvement Project
  • Agreement to have the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan update
  • Holding a public hearing on the first of two readings expanding the boundaries of the Hopkins Street Historic District and the Lindsey- Rogers Historic District
  • Parking by permit on both sides of the 400 to 700 blocks of McGehee Street between Cheatham Street and the southern Terminus
  • Parking by permit on both sides of East Grove Street between Mckie Street and CM Allen Parkway
  • Appointments for the Economic Development San Marcos Board, (a Chamber Representative) and to the Parks and Recreation Board
  • Receive a Staff update and follow-up of the Transportation Master Plan regarding Thoroughfare, Bike and Greenway plans and street cross-sections; and providing direction to Staff
  • Receive a report and recommendation from the Co-Working Subcommittee, and providing direction to the City Manager.
  • Staff updates regarding Wastewater Service to the Posey Road Industrial Park and surrounding service area and providing direction to Staff

Item 23 on Wednesday’s agenda is a discussion of the proposed amendments by the City Charter Review Commission and to give staff direction.

On May 25, 2017, the Charter Review Commission submitted their approved recommendations to the city council. However, below is the council’s changes to the Commission’s approved Charter amendments, along with what city council will or not allow.  

NOTE: The Charter Review Commission recommended to change the Planning and Zoning Commission’s requirement of city residency from three years to five years. However, the Charter Review Commission and the San Marcos City Council has left in place the one year residency requirement for the qualifications to be elected as Mayor or to City Council.

You can view the current San Marcos City Charter HERE.

NOTE: You can read Wednesday’s full agenda HERE.

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CUMULATIVE-LIST-EDITED-PER-COUNCIL-DIRECTION.pdf”]


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