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Reyes to be named Interim City Manager

After Executive Session Tuesday night, San Marcos City Council members provided direction to staff to add an action item to the next City Council meeting to name Stephanie Reyes Interim City Manager.

If approved during their regular meeting on December 7, Reyes will step into her new role effective February 1, 2022, upon the retirement of current City Manager Bert Lumbreras.

Since Lumbreras announced his retirement in September, effective January 31, 2022, Council has been discussing how they will move forward. After multiple conversations, Council elected to search internally for a new City Manager. Tuesday night’s decision to add the action item was unanimous among Council members.

“I’ve worked with Stephanie on a professional level for many years. Time and time again she has proven herself to be an accomplished and competent leader,” said San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson. “She is hardworking and dedicated to this community. I’m thrilled Council came to this decision.”

Reyes first served as an Interim Assistant City Manager in August 2019 and was given the official title of Assistant City Manager December 2019. Reyes has spent the last 20 years in various capacities within the City organization, serving as Chief of Staff, Assistant Director of Human Resources, and Assistant to the City Manager.

In June, she was honored by her peers for 20 years of service in the city management profession during the Texas City Management Association (TCMA) conference. She has been involved extensively in the community by serving on the Community Action Board, as well as being a graduate and board member of Leadership San Marcos.

Reyes has also been recognized for her 20 years of service by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and is currently attending the Leadership ICMA program. Leadership ICMA is a competitive, intensive two-year program designed to cultivate key competencies needed for successful leadership at all levels of local government management.

“Stephanie is exceptionally qualified for this position. I’m confident that the great City of San Marcos will be in good hands with such an invested leader. She has my full support,” said City Manager Bert Lumbreras.

Reyes holds a Masters of Public Administration from Texas State University and is a graduate of San Marcos High School. Reyes has been married to her husband Andrew for 13 years and they have four children: DrewAnn, Anna, Andrés, and Gabriela.

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