San Marcos CISD Adopts 2019 Tax Rate, Accepts 2019 Effective And Rollback Rates
Staff Reports
On Monday, the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District board of trustees adopted the tax rate and accepted the effective tax rate and rollback rate for 2019.
The board made the decision 6-0 to adopt a tax rate of $1.31 per $100 valuation with trustee Anne Halsey absent.
Of the full $1.313900 tax rate, $0.9900 is used for the purpose of maintenance and operation and $0.3239 for the purpose of payment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness.
While the 2019 tax rate is $0.10 less than last year, residents will still see a rise in property taxes due to a rise in appraisal values.
Trustees also accepted the effective and rollback tax rate for tax year 2019 for the school district.
This year’s effective tax rate is $1.283919 per $100 valuation, and the rollback tax rate is $1.313989 per $100 valuation.
The board voted 6-0 to accept the effective and rollback rates.
In other news, the board voted 6-0 to accept the certified appraisal roll for Tax Rate 2019. The certified appraisal roll for 2019 is $224,385,601 for the Guadalupe County Appraisal District, $5,981,999,134 for Hays County and $167,241,283 for Caldwell County.
[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Board-Book-August-2019-Appraisal-Rolls.pdf”]