San Marcos City Council Slated To Discuss Gun Resolution, Election Items Tuesday
Staff Reports
On Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council is slated to consider a resolution regarding where a person licensed to carry may carry a weapon concealed or otherwise and consider an ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-18 ordering a General Election.
Council will consider approval of “Resolution 2019-138R forbidding persons license to carry a handgun, from carrying a handgun, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or openly carried, in any room or rooms including but not limited to the City Council Chambers, where the city council or any city board, commission, committee or body is meeting in an open meeting subject to the Texas Open Meetings act” as part of their consent agenda.
In December 2015, the City Council approved Resolution 2015-177R to prohibit Open Carry of a handgun in any room or rooms where a meeting of the City Council, a board, commission or committee posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act is being conducted. The resolution did not prohibit the carrying of a concealed weapon by persons licensed to carry.
According to City Manager, Bert Lumbreras, the proposed resolution council will consider will further increase security at City Hall.
The agenda states that the installation of future security measures to the chambers can be made after this resolution is approved.
In other news, the City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the 2019 Tax Rate at $0.6139 per $100 of the taxable value of real property that is not exempt from taxation. Council will consider the approval of the proposed tax rate on the first of two readings.
Council will also consider on the first and final reading amending Ordinance 2019-18 ordering a General Election to be held on November 5, 2019, by establishing early voting and election day polling places for this election.
No background information was provided regarding this item. However, the amended ordinance showed language changes.
Finally, Council will also consider approving the terms and conditions of a Joint Election Agreement between the City of San Marcos and Hays County for the holding of a joint election on November 5, 2019.
Council is slated to convene in the San Marcos City Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 PM Tuesday.