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San Marcos City Council To Consider Amendments To Affordable/Workforce Housing Policy

By Terra Rivers | Managing Editor

Tonight, the San Marcos City Council will consider the approval of amendments to the Affordable/Workforce Housing Policy.

Council will discuss amending two criteria for approval of applications relating to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.

Staff is recommending the following amendments be made to the policy’s criteria for a recommendation of a resolution of no objection:

  • Amend criteria to ensure if a project is requesting a tax exemption, revenues from such a project remain in San Marcos.
  • Amend criteria to ensure projects (whether tax-exempt or not tax-exempt) utilize local support services.
  • Add a flowchart to the LIHTC application to more easily distinguish the process and criteria for projects requesting a tax exemption and projects not requesting a tax exemption.
  • Add minor revisions to the policy language so that it is easier to read.

The Affordable/Workforce Housing Policy has been amended five times since its adoption in July 2014.

In March 2017, the city adopted the first amendment, which added a low-income housing tax credit policy.

The last amendment to the policy was in November 2019 to add further language to the nine criteria and allow for tax exemptions.

City Council will convene for their regular meeting at 6:00 PM in the San Marcos City Council Chambers at City Hall.

Residents can sign up to speak during the public comment period until 5:45 PM in the City Clerk’s Office.


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