A & WF Housing Policy
Adopted July 2014; Amended March 2017, June 2018, May 2019, Nov
ember 2019,
& February 2020
Affordable / Workforce Housing Policy
Define issues associated with the expansion and preservation of
diverse, affordable housing choices,
in San Marcos and identify specific goals and strategies to add
ress those issues in a manner consistent with the
vision expressed in the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Vision San Marcos
Neighborhood & Housing Vision Statement
We envision San Marcos to have a strong, more comprehensive fou
ndation of safe, stable
neighborhoods while preserving and
protecting the historical, c
ultural, and natural identities
of those neighborhoods.
Affordable housing is important to the economic vitality of S
an Marcos as an adequate supply
supports the local work force and
allows them to
live close to
their jobs. Shorter commutes reduce traffic
congestion, air pollution, and ex
penditures on road maintenance
. Having an adequate housing supply also
provides a competitive advantage for area employers. Affordabl
e housing benefits families by alleviating
overcrowding, reduces the potential of foreclosure and eviction
s, and may provide the housing stability that is
vital to the emotional well‐being of children.
Area Median Income (AMI) – The area median income is the midpoi
nt of a region’s income distribution.
San Marcos is located within the Austin Round Rock MSA. Federa
l housing programs utilize the area
median income as the basis for funding.
Example: the 2018 median family income for a family of 4 in the
Austin Round Rock MSA is
San Marcos Median Family Income (MFI) – The median family annua
l income for residents of the City of
San Marcos as established by the most current data available fr
om the U. S. Census Bureau. This term
is defined by the Census Bureau as
“The sum of income of all family members 15 years and older liv
in the household. Families are groups of two or more people (o
ne of whom is the householder) related
by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together; all such
people (including related subfamily
members) are considered as members of one family.
This number is expected to change from year to year as census r
ecords are updated.
Example: the 2012‐2016 American Co
mmunity Survey data shows th
at the Median San Marcos
Family Income is $$46,736;
Affordable Housing –Generally construed to mean that a low or m
oderate‐income family can afford to
buy or rent a decent quality dwelling without spending more tha
n 30% of its income on shelter.
Generally, affordable housing incentives will be targeted to pe
rsons earning 80% or less of the Area
Median Income.
Workforce Housing ‐ Housing for
moderate‐income workers in prof
essions needed in all communities
such as teachers, fire fighters,
and nurses. Generally, workfo
rce housing incentives are targeted to
employees earning no more than
140% of Area Median Income
Location Efficient Areas – Areas
(a) where transportation costs are low or where public investme
nt will
make transportation more affordab
le in the future, (b) that are
located in close pr
oximity to schools,
health related facilities, amenit
ies such as parks and childcar
e, vital retail establishments (pharmacy,
groceries, etc.) and (c) are pedestrian/bicycle friendly.