San Marcos City Council To Determine Scope Of Work For Capes Dam Study
During the San Marcos City Council work session, the council will receive an update on the scope of work regarding Capes’ Dam and be provided a scope of work for the council’s Study Request For Proposals.
In January, the council directed staff to conduct further studies on Capes Dam and the various environmental aspects to address a number of councilmember’s concerns regarding the dam’s removal, rehabilitation or restoration.
In June, City Manager Bert Lumbreras informed the council that staff had begun preparing a work session item to establish the scope of work for RFP the council wanted; however, COVID-19 struck and work on the project was postponed while staff identified potential funding sources to overcome revenue shortfalls.
Lumbreras said staff had determined that the funding allocated for Capes Dam projects was not something that could “be taken in,” and work on bringing the scope of work forward would resume.
The San Marcos City Council will convene for their virtual meeting at 3:00 PM. No public comment period is available for the council’s regular work sessions.
However, residents can submit comments to be read on any subject matter during the public comment period of their regular meeting at 6.
Persons wishing to speak during the citizen comment period please submit their written comments to citizencomment@sanmarcostx.gov no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting.
The first 10 comments will be read aloud during the citizen comment portion of the meeting. Comments shall have a time limit of three minutes each.
Any threatening, defamatory or other similar comments prohibited by Chapter 2 of the San Marcos City Code will not be read.
Residents can also register with the city clerk’s office to speak in person. Registration must also be completed by Noon on the day of the meeting.