San Marcos City Council To Hold Meeting Tonight
While in executive session, council will also hold “Real Property deliberations regarding the acquisition of land for cemetery purposes” and “receive a staff briefing and deliberate regarding potential economic development…”
The San Marcos City Council will address four large items during tonight’s meeting. The meeting, which is listed as a regular meeting, follows a Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting, which took place Tuesday, December 11.
Council is slated to begin the meeting with an executive session to “receive legal advice regarding pending litigation.”
On April 18, 2018, the Mayan at San Marcos LLC filed cause 18-0958-CV-A in the 25th Judicial District Court of Guadalupe County to “attempt to invalidate Ordinance No. 2008-16 that annexed a 563.199 tract of land commonly known as the Hillert Tract into the city limits.”
While in executive session, council will also hold “Real Property deliberations regarding the acquisition of land for cemetery purposes” and “receive a staff briefing and deliberate regarding potential economic development incentives for projects Desert Wind and Big Hat.”
Council will consider the annexation of over 934 acres of land along State Highway 80 and FM 1984. The annexation is part of a voluntary request by Katerra development and involves six tracts of land.
The potential speed limit increase for Hunter Road will return to the Dais for its second of two readings.
The Parking Management Program and Fund will be addressed by city council on its second of two readings. Council will also review a proposed amendment to Chapter 2, Article 3, Boards, Committees and Commissions in the city code to replace Division 6 with the establishment of a Parking Advisory Board.
The special meeting will begin at 6 PM tonight following executive session.
San Marcos City Council Work Session |
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San Marcos City Council Meeting |
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To view the official Meeting Agenda Packet, click HERE.
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