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San Marcos City Council Member Resigns

On Monday, March 9, San Marcos City Council Member, Dr. Joca Marquez tendered her written resignation to the City Clerk’s office. 

Dr. Marquez has held the Place 5 seat since December 2018.  She was elected for a three-year term.

Courtesy of City of SM (L-R) Council Members Jocabed Marquez & Mark Rockeymoore after being sworn-in for their first term.

Per her written letter, Dr. Marquez explains, “I am resigning at this time because my employment plans will require me to move my residence to a location outside the City of San Marcos.”

The City is coordinating details to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation and will provide election information once it has been finalized. 

Per the Texas Constitution, a resigning council member continues to hold over the office until a successor is elected and sworn in. 

Related Coverage:

San Marcos Voters Elect Rockeymoore, Marquez To City Council

SM Ethics Review Commission To Review Complaint Against City Council Member

San Marcos Ethics Commission Delivers Decision On Complaint  Against City Council Member


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One Comment

  1. Ms. Marquez,
    If you’re a woman who after comparing yourself with normal people nevertheless determine your entire identity is predicated on feeling sorry for yourself , I have some good news—a recent UN report concludes that, despite all the “advances” of the past century, the world has grown slightly more “sexist” over the past few years.
    That’s right—as topsy-turvy as it sounds, for women who simply can’t take a breath without needing to feel oppressed, good news always comes in the form of bad news.
    The first ever UNDP Gender Social Norms Index analyzed data from 75 countries, ( which constitute home to more than 80 per cent of the global population), and found new clues to the invisible barriers women such as yourself face in achieving equality – as may potentially forge a path forward to breaking through the so-called “glass ceiling”.
    According to the data, almost half of those polled feel that men are superior political leaders, while more than 40 percent believe they make better business executives and are more entitled to jobs when the economy is lagging. Moreover, 28 per cent think it is justified for a man to beat his wife. With that said, there’s no end to what you may do to your own wife Joca (in the event you find her beat-able, i.e.: read “white”).

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