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San Marcos Dedicates New “Life Of Color” Mural On Sessom Drive

The City of San Marcos dedicated a new mural by Washington artist Jake Wagoner on Sessom Drive on Tuesday, July 2.

The mural, titled “Life in Color,” illustrates the wildlife of the Edwards Aquifer and encourages people to be good stewards of its delicate ecosystem.

“During the six years I have been with the City I’ve seen this wall constantly tagged, requiring our staff to spend time and resources to paint over the graffiti,” said Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager Amy Kirwin. “This mural is an amazing piece of art that beautifies our community and frees City resources for work on other issues.”

For more information about the San Marcos Mural Arts Program, contact Arts Coordinator Trey Hatt at ghatt@sanmarcostx.gov.

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One Comment

  1. So, if it turns out that I can prove the concept for this “art” was actually stolen from one of my hangovers (back in the days before I stopped drinking) is the City willing to pay my copyright fees?

    Just sayin….

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