San Marcos Electric Utility Announces Intentions To Perform Metering Update
The City of San Marcos Electric Utility (SMEU) has contracted with Olameter to begin installing approximately 25,000 new electric meters and upgrading 12,000 water meters in June 2019 as part of updating its Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project.
“This project is part of our planned maintenance and replacement program for the current meters that residents and businesses have at their address,” said Tyler Hjorth, Assistant Director of Public Services-Electric Utility. “It will allow us to increase the efficiency, safety and sustainability of our overall metering system for San Marcos and provide the most comprehensive usage information to our utility customers.”
According to the City of San Marcos, SMEU will schedule automated calls to residents approximately a week before their installation date, so residents are urged to ensure their contact information is correct by contacting utility_billing@sanmarcostx.gov or 512-393-8383.
The installation of new meters will take approximately 15 minutes. Olameter technicians will knock on a resident’s door to alert them of the changeout and will leave a door hanger afterwards notifying residents of services performed.
Olameter technicians will not come into resident’s homes or require any form of payment. Technicians will have the Olameter logo on their uniforms and trucks.
Installation in areas of the southern San Marcos Area will begin in June 2019, areas of north San Marcos in January 2020, and areas of west San Marcos in June 2020. The program is projected to be complete by the end of 2020.
For more information about the metering project, contact San Marcos Electric Utility, 512-393-8313.