San Marcos Encourages Public To Complete San Marcos Housing Survey

“This survey is a major component of a broader undertaking to thoroughly assess our housing market and will be a valuable tool for the City’s Workforce Housing Task Force,” said Shannon Mattingly…

The City of San Marcos is conducting a Community Housing Survey through Jan. 31, 2019, to help inform decisions about housing, land use and transportation within the City.  

The survey can be accessed directly here or here in Spanish (Español).  All respondents who complete the survey and register will be entered in a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card.

“This survey is a major component of a broader undertaking to thoroughly assess our housing market and will be a valuable tool for the City’s Workforce Housing Task Force,” said Shannon Mattingly, Director of Planning & Development Services. “Participating in the survey is a simple way for people who live in San Marcos to help guide housing and other policies.  We’re excited to see the results.”

Survey topics include:

  • Important factors when purchasing or renting your current home
  • Housing, utility, and transportation costs
  • Your future housing plans

The City will also hold its second Workforce Housing Task Force meeting on Thursday, Dec. 13, from 12 PM – 2 PM at the Meadows Center, 201 San Marcos Springs Drive.

The Task Force is comprised of 20 community leaders charged with assisting the San Marcos City Council in developing a comprehensive housing policy to address challenges faced by working families in San Marcos. 

All Task Force meetings are open to the public. For more information, contact Planning & Development Services at 512.393.8230 or visit


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