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San Marcos Local, TXST Graduate Throws Hat In For San Marcos City Council Place 4 Special Election

San Marcos City Council Place 4 is currently held by Councilmember Jane Hughson, who announced last week that she would resign her current place 4 seat to run for Mayor against incumbent Mayor John Thomaides…

Griffin Spell, an eleven-year resident of San Marcos and Texas State graduate announced his campaign for San Marcos City Council, Place 4 at 8:00 AM on Monday, July 23rd. Spell said he was encouraged to run by several city leaders.

San Marcos City Council Place 4 is currently held by Councilmember Jane Hughson, who announced last week that she would resign her current place 4 seat to run for Mayor against incumbent Mayor John Thomaides. Hughson’s current term was from 2017 – 2020 and San Marcos city charter requires Hughson to resign her seat to run for Mayor.

The City of San Marcos has not announced plans for the special election as of yet.

On the announcement of his campaign, Mr. Spell said the following:

I’ve worked with many of you in our community, working for good transparent government, fiscal responsibility, and the unique culture and heritage that makes San Marcos the shining gem of Central Texas. Today, I’m stepping up, as many of you have asked, to continue that work on the San Marcos City Council

I moved to San Marcos in August 2007 to attend Texas State University. Since then, I have been an active member of our community in San Marcos. I served on the first San Marcos Neighborhood Commission, and have been a member of Open San Marcos, a pro-transparency organization. For the past four years I have served on the San Marcos Historic Preservation Commission, and was unanimously elected Chairman of that Commission earlier this year.

I’m running because I feel our city is at a crossroads. Our unique cultural, architectural, and historical legacies risk being drowned out in a sea of inappropriate development. At the same time, we must find ways to protect our citizens from out-of-control rents and alleviate the worst ills of the Central Texas housing crisis. We need leaders to step up and forge a middle path and establish a vision and plan that serves all members of our City, not just a privileged few. With a majority of the City Council up for election, 2018 will be a critical year for determining the future of San Marcos. One issue that is of particular importance to me is protecting renters and supporting those who live in work in San Marcos but do not own their own home.

I believe I have a unique and valuable perspective to bring to our City Council. Our problems, no matter how indomitable they may seem, can and will be overcome. I have been blessed to discover San Marcos, to have made this town my home, and be welcomed by our community with open arms. I believe our hopes and dreams for the future of San Marcos are worth fighting for, and I pledge to do my best to make those dreams a reality.



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