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San Marcos Looks At More Parkland; How Much Do They Own Again?

However, in a City Council Meeting Packet dated March 16, 2017 AND prior to our request and the chain of emails above states “the City of San Marcos has more than 2,700 acres of parkland.”

  • EXECUTIVE SESSION: Receive a Staff briefing and deliberate regarding the possible acquisition of property out of the Wildenthal Tract for open space purposes; and the possible acquisition of property in the vicinity of Sink Creek for parks purposes; and in accordance with Section 551.074 of the Local Government Code.

On March 20, Corridor News wrote a story titled How Much Parkland Does The City Of San Marcos Own?, which covered multiple items residents had asked about.

The city, in response to a Public Information Request, including a chain of emails dated March 31 – April 3,2017, Corridor News was informed, “The number listed on the website is incorrect and needs to be updated. I’ve let the appropriate folks know about that. So our total acreage of park land and open space is 2002, more or less.” AND “We do not have a document that has the total acreage for all city owned properties at this time.” (The original request and the chain of emails here)

These are the documents they provided us. The first page (map) is dated January 27, 2016 and the listing document is dated December 10, 2015. View received documents HERE..

However, in a City Council Meeting Packet dated March 16, 2017 AND prior to the request and the chain of emails above states, “the City of San Marcos has more than 2,700 acres of parkland.” View this information here.

The San Marcos City Council has recently purchased an additional 50 acres in Purgatory for $632,000, which has not been found in any of the totals.

A source close to the city stated, “they really have no idea how much (park/open-space land) they own.”

This morning, Corridor News requested an additional Public Records Request. (View the Public Records Request dated 7/18/2017 HERE.)

According to the reply from the city today, the documents they sent in April are the most current information they possess; the city has NOT added any additional parkland/green-space/open-space since the map (above, dated January 27, 2016) & the listing document (above, dated December 10, 2015).  View the received documents HERE.

Here is the City of San Marcos’s reply to today’s Public Information Request.

NOTE: The list below may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.

  • Discussion regarding contracting with the Hays County Election Administrator for Election Services, and a Joint Election Agreement with Hays County, and provide direction to Staff.


  • Consider approval of Resolution 2017-112R approving the appointment of the law firm of Davidson, Troilo, Ream & Garza as special counsel to advise the Ethics Review Commission as it considers a request from Council Member Ed Mihalkanin for an Ethics Advisory Opinion; and declaring an effective date. READ COUNCIL MEMBER MIHALKANIN REQUEST HERE.


  • Consider approval of Resolution 2017-113R, adopting a Governance Policy that establishes a code of conduct and protocols for Council and City Staff interactions and communications; and declaring an effective date. READ CODE OF CONDUCT HERE.


  • Consider the Public Hearing Dates proposed by Staff regarding the 2017 Property Tax Rate and Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget, and provide direction to Staff. READ MORE HERE.


  • Discuss proposed amendments to the San Marcos City Charter; and provide direction to Staff. READ MORE HERE and HERE and the city council’s last meeting HERE.

San Marcos City Council Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 5 PM

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/SMCC-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-7-18-2017.pdf”]


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