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San Marcos’ Own Memo And Flood Damage Letters To Property Owners

Below are copies of the letters and an inner office memo San Marcos has sent out to property owners who had major or substantially damaged homes.

Printable PDF with Maps

SM-Logo200x-No-Background-webTO: Jared Miller, City Manager

THROUGH: Laurie Moyer, P.E. Director of CIP/Engineering

FROM: Richard P. Reynosa, P.E. Senior Project Engineer

DATE: July 17, 2015

RE: Flood Damage Notifications to Property Owners

The Engineering Department in coordination with the Permit Center is preparing to send notifications to property owners, within the floodplain, who have damages to their homes or business as a result of the Memorial Day Flood. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requires participating communities to enforce floodplain regulations and require properties substantially damaged to come into compliance with current requirements.

The NFIP requires notices be sent to properties determined to be substantially damaged and ensure they come into full compliance with floodplain regulations. Compliance can be achieved by either removing the non-compliant structure or elevating the structure to one-foot above the base flood elevation. An example of the “Substantial Damage Determination Notice” is attached.

The NFIP also requires participating communities to permit and document repairs to the remaining properties not determined to be substantially damaged. Damages from multiple flood events that cumulatively result in repair costs exceeding 50% of the market value of the structure require the structure to come into compliance. Properties that fall into this category will received the attached “Flood Damage Notice” letter.

The following summarizes the events leading to notifications to be sent to property owners:

  • May 24, 2015 – Drive-by field assessments conducted identifying the limits of flooding, see Exhibit  1.
  • The week of May 25th – Assessment of the depth of flooding and level of damage to structures was categorized as Impacted, Minor Damage, Major Damage or Destroyed, in compliance withTDEM Form, see Exhibit 2. The following summarizes the number of structures in each
  • June 8th-29th – FEMA Mitigation Division Team assessed properties classified as Major Damage and Destroyed. As a result 159 of 358 structures assessed by the FEMA team are classified as substantially damaged, see Exhibit 3.

The following summarizes the number of structures in each .

Type of Homes Affected Minor Damage Major Damage Destroyed
Single Family Homes 101 110 122 5
Mobile Homes 92 100 21 82
Multi-Family Units 83 24 102 2
Totals 276 234 245 89
Businesses Impacted Number
Minor Damage (less than 40%) 8
Major Damage (greater than 40%) 21
Totals 29

SM-Logo200x-No-Background-web                                          Permit Center and Engineering Department

630 E. Hopkins  San Marcos, TX 78666

(512) 393-8130


July 17, 2015

 Property Owner of: Conway

San Marcos, TX 78666  





Dear Property Owner:


As a result of the flooding that occurred on May 24, 2015, the structure on your property has been determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood damage regulations to have received damages exceeding 50% of the pre-damage structure value. This evaluation was done by a FEMA Flood Mitigation Team several weeks after the flood date and the information was recently provided to the City.


For a structure with more than 50% damage, the structure must either be removed from the floodplain or have the lowest floor elevated to at least one foot above the 100-year flood elevation.


IF YOU HAVE FLOOD INSURANCE: Under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the Increased Cost of Compliance (or ICC) program may provide additional financial assistance to either elevate or remove flood-damaged structures from the floodplain. ICC applies to flooded structures that are substantially damaged. It is important to contact your flood insurance provider with this letter, as well as, meet with the City to discuss a floodplain permit.


IF YOU DON’T HAVE FLOOD INSURANCE: Please contact the City to discuss the options that may be available to assist you with bringing your structure into compliance.


The City knows you have questions and concerns regarding how this effects your current clean-up and reconstruction efforts. This is a floodplain requirement which differs from the building permit or approval to repair your home without a building permit. Members of the Engineering Department are prepared to meet with you to discuss the substantial damage determination process and to provide guidance for reconstruction or repair of your structure. To schedule a meeting or discuss questions regarding this determination, please contact the Permit Center or Engineering Department at (512)805-2630 or (512)393-8130 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


The City’s first goal is to assist you through this process during the devastating loss that occurred to your family and home.




Richard P. Reynosa, P.E., CFM

Senior Project Engineer


The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requires communities participating in the program to enforce floodplain regulations so that the community’s citizens will be able to purchase federally backed flood insurance. The NFIP helps provide a means for property owners to financially protect themselves. The NFIP offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters, business owners, if their communities agree to adopt and enforce ordinances that meet or exceed FEMA requirements to reduce the risk of flooding.

Go to the City GIS Map Link to view your property and the floodplain: http://gis.sanmarcostx.gov/SanMarcosBasemap/default.aspx


Permit Center and  Engineering Department

630 E. Hopkins San Marcos, TX 78666

(512) 393-8130



July 17, 2015                                                                          

Property Owner of: Conway                                                    

San Marcos, TX 78666



Dear Property Owner:


As a result of the flood event that occurred on May 24, 2015, impacted properties, within the floodplain, are required to permit and document with the City the cost of repairs for damaged structures. Your property was identified as having received some level of flood waters into your structure. Please complete the attached Flood Development Permit and provide a scope of the repairs and any additional work done as a result of this flood event.


If you have any questions or would like assistance in completing the permit members of our department are prepared to meet with you at our office. To schedule a meeting or discuss questions regarding the City’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, please contact the Permit Center or Engineering Department at (512)805-2630 or (512)393-8130 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


The City’s first goal is to assist you through this process to recovery from damages caused by the flood to your home.




Richard P. Reynosa, P.E., CFM

Senior Project Engineer




The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requires communities participating in the program to enforce floodplain regulations so that the community’s citizens will be able to purchase federally backed flood insurance. The NFIP helps provide a means for property owners to financially protect themselves. The NFIP offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters, business owners, if their community participates in the NFIP. Participating communities agree to adopt and enforce ordinances that meet or exceed FEMA requirements to reduce the risk of flooding.

Go to the City GIS Map Link to view your property and the floodplain: http://gis.sanmarcostx.gov/SanMarcosBasemap/default.aspx

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