San Marcos Sees 42nd COVID-Related Fatality



(Tuesday, September 22 was the last update from Hays County)


Governor Greg Abbott announced on September 17 additional reopening plans for Texas. The determining factor in reopening is based on the percentage of hospitalizations in each of the state’s 22 regions.

If COVID Hospitalizations are less than 15% of all hospitalizations for 7 consecutive days, then that region is safe enough to allow additional openings.

The percentage of COVID hospitalizations in the Austin region is 3.7% and has remained under 15% for 7 consecutive days.

Therefore, our region can proceed with the additional openings outlined below.

The following business categories that currently have a 50% capacity can increase to a 75% capacity on Monday, September 21:

  • All retail stores
  • All restaurants
  • All office buildings
  • All manufacturing
  • All Museums and Libraries
  • All Gyms


Hospitals in the Austin region can return to ordinary elective surgical procedures. Click here to see the full Executive Order.


The ECAP Fund is designed for those small businesses located in Hays County that are struggling to sustain operations due to the COVID-19 health crisis and were unable to secure assistance via the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan through the CARES Act or the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program through the US Small Business Administration.

The ECAP fund, which was initiated by the Hays County Commissioners Court, is a collaboration between the County, the City of Kyle, PeopleFund, and the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP).

The fund will provide a grant of up to $10,000 to qualifying businesses on a first-come, first-served basis. The loan agency PeopleFund, a nonprofit community lender, will manage the application process.

Learn more about the program on the GSMP website.


Many local school districts have their own COVID-19 dashboards. Please see the links below for information.


Offices, lobbies, and courts within the Hays County system are in varying stages of reopening to the public as they navigate this new world with COVID-19.

While many offices were closed during April and May, staff continued working to help you take care of your business with the County.

Visit the individual office web page on the county website at

Below is a quick status of office/lobbies/courts as of August 14.

Please contact the office or court directly if you have any questions.

All members of the public entering County buildings should wear face coverings and maintain a distance of six feet between themselves and others who are not in their own family.


All Hays County Clerk’s office locations are assisting customers by appointment only for Marriage License issuance and Birth/Death certificate issuance.

The clerk’s office will continue to offer other services by E-Record, E-file, mail, fax, telephone, and email. The county has reported that all offices have been professionally disinfected, staff have been quarantined for the recommended time from the CDC, and have been tested with no additional positive tests at this time.

Appointments available with the following guidelines:

  • Face masks must be worn the entire time in the office.
  • Only applicants are allowed in the lobby; no one else, including children, may enter.
  • No same-day appointments.


  • Judge, County Court-at-Law, 1, Robert Updegrove
  • Judge, County Court-at-Law, 2 Chris Johnson
  • Judge, County Court-at-Law, 3, Tacie Zelhart

This office has remained open to serve all litigants and the citizens of Hays County. As Ordered by the Supreme Court of Texas and the state Office of Court Administration, during the pandemic, hearings were held remotely via teleconference.

This Court continues to have hearings via teleconference. In-person hearings will commence on June 1. The lobby is open. They request everyone to call before entering, if possible, at 512.393.7625 or email to set a court date or receive additional information.


Currently, the Elections Office is open to the public. The County Election Office is located at the Hays County Government Center at 712 South Stagecoach Trail.

For more information call 512.393.7310 or email them at


  • Justice of the Peace 1-1, Judge Prado
    Judge Prado’s office is open. Reach out by phone at 512-393-7871.

  • Justice of the Peace 1-2, Judge Moreno
    Judge Moreno’s office is open. Visit the JP1-2 website to make payments online or get more information regarding this office. Reach out by phone at 512-393-7871.

  • Justice of the Peace 2, Judge Smith
    Judge Smith’s office is open. Reach out by phone at 512.268.3151.

  • Justice of the Peace 3, Judge Cable
    This office has remained open. The hours are Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to noon. Reach out by phone at 512.847.2000
  • Justice of the Peace 4 – Judge Burns
    JP-4 office is open and you can reach them at 512-858-7446.
    Effective immediately, and until further notice, all hearings and bench trials in Justice Court 4 will be heard by Zoom conference. By order of the Texas Supreme Court, jury trials may not be held until August 1, 2020, at the earliest.

  • Justice of the Peace 5, Judge Cary
    The JP-5 in Buda is open M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and you can reach the office at 512-295-2700.

Hays County Courts and District Courts recognize the need to ensure the health and safety of litigants, attorneys, visitors, court staff, judges, and other individuals entering the buildings housing the courts.

Therefore, the courts of Hays County have implemented a series of protective measures. The full list can be found on the county’s website.


  • County Judge — Staff is available to answer the phones, and the judge is continuing to hold meetings, as much as is feasible, through phone or digital platforms. You can reach the office at 512-393-2205.
  • Pct. 1, Commissioner Debbie Ingalsbe — Staff is available to answer the phone but Commissioner Ingalsbe is continuing to hold meetings, through phone or digital platforms as well as in person. Please contact her office to schedule appointments. You can reach the office at 512-393-2243.
  • Pct. 2, Commissioner Mark Jones — Staff is available to answer the phone, but Commissioner Jones is continuing to hold meetings, as much as possible, through phone or digital platforms. You can reach the office at 512-262-2091.
  • Pct. 3, Commissioner Lon Shell — Staff is available to answer the phone, but Commissioner Shell is continuing to hold meetings, as much as possible, through phone or digital platforms. You can reach the office at 512-847-3159.
  • Pct. 4, Commissioner Walt Smith — Staff is available to answer emails and Commissioner Smith is continuing to hold meetings, as much as possible, through phone or digital platforms. You can reach the office at 512-858-7268.


All County tax offices are open to the public*. At the Government Center, individuals will queue in the hallway outside the Tax Office.

If the line extends to the main hallway, deputies will ask those persons to wait outside until they are called back in. A similar approach will be implemented at the precinct offices.

The drive-thru at the Government Center in San Marcos is back to normal operating hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.

You can reach the Tax Office at 512.393.5545.

NOTE: *The Dripping Springs Tax Office will close daily between the hours of 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. until further notice.


Vehicle Registration Renewals

Disability Placards & Timed Permits

Title Transfers & New Texas Residents

Property Tax Payments/Services


Resources for Persons Affected by COVID-19. If you need food, funds, mental health support, a job, etc., take a look at this list of area resources. It includes info for small businesses and nonprofits, as well. Additional information from Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area for Jobseekers and Employers is also available.


COVID-19 HOTLINE — 512.393.5525

Hays County residents can call a hotline for answers to their non-emergency COVID-19 questions. Operators are available in English and Spanish.

This hotline is for answers to health questions about COVID-19 — safety practices, symptoms, quarantining, testing, etc.

Fact Sheet in English & Español


Renewal requirements for SNAP & Medicaid temporarily waived.

Find out more about COVID-19 treatment and prevention in English. Información en español para la prevención y tratamiento de la Enfermedad del Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)


Hays County provided information about possible scams and price gouging during the pandemic.


The FDA is warning citizens about fraudulent COVID-19 Home Test Kits. More on test kits here.


There is no special treatment for COVID-19, nor is there a vaccine at this time. The virus is not a flu virus, so doctor-prescribed treatments for flu-like Tamiflu are of no use.

The best-known treatment at this time is to take a fever-reducing medication containing acetaminophen or ibuprofen, and to self-isolate, until you have been fever-free for 72 hours (recently increased from 48 hours) WITHOUT the use of fever-reducing medications.

Most people who contract COVID-19 have a reaction similar to a mild to moderate case of Flu and do not necessarily need to see a doctor unless their symptoms worsen.

A fever that spikes to 104 degrees, or shortness of breath, are symptoms that may need medical attention and you should call your healthcare provider or emergency room.

The most at-risk populations include the elderly and persons with compromised immune systems.

Most medical offices are requesting that you call before coming in if you believe you might have COVID-19. If you are experiencing significant shortness of breath you may be directed to a hospital emergency room.

The Hays County Local Health Department, which does NOT do testing for COVID-19, works with area hospitals to determine availability at hospitals for those who are sickest.

  • Do you think you’ve been exposed to coronavirus?
  • Are you experiencing symptoms?

This information might help you determine what you should do, and how you can protect your family and others.


  1. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds several times a day, including between your fingers and underneath your nails. Handwashing is considered the best way to remove germs and dirt, and hand sanitizers should be used only when handwashing is not available. The hand sanitizers should be at least 60 percent alcohol to be effective.
  2. Avoid handshaking and high-fives.
  3. Avoid touching your face – especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  4. Stay home when you feel sick.
  5. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue then put the tissue in the trash, or use the crook of your elbow if a tissue isn’t available.
  6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household disinfectant cleaning spray or wipe. Clean cell and desk phones, computer keyboards, door handles, and work surfaces often.
  7. Avoid travel to areas that have been designated high-risk areas because of multiple verified cases of Corona.
  8. Wear a mask or face covering when in public places.



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