San Marcos to debut new website for section of Hopkins Street improvements project
Today the City of San Marcos Engineering & Capital Improvements Department will launch a new interactive website that will give residents an opportunity to learn about proposed improvements for a section of Hopkins Street, between Guadalupe and Moore Streets.
The website will also allow residents to offer feedback on plans for the upcoming project, which will enhance safety and bring the section of Hopkins Street into compliance with City ordinances.
The virtual public involvement website will be accessible 24/7 through Friday, April 16, and will be available in both English and Spanish.
Visitors are encouraged to leave ideas, suggestions, and comments on the site’s interactive maps. The website may be viewed by visiting: http://engagekh.com/hopkins-street.
A physical take-home toolkit detailing the project is also available for pickup at the City Municipal Building, 630 E Hopkins. Residents interested in obtaining a copy may call 512.393.8130 or email EngInfo@sanmarcostx.gov.
For more information about the project, call the Engineering & Capital Improvements Department at 512.393.8130. or visit: https://www.sanmarcostx.gov/3378/Hopkins-Street-Improvements—Moore-to-G