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San Marcos To Use Robotic Cameras To Inspect Wastewater Lines

San Marcos wastewater crews will be inspecting downtown wastewater line conditions with robotic cameras. The inspection process began April 5 and is expected to be complete in June.

Crews are utilizing CCTV cameras to traverse 28,000 feet of pipelines. Using the North American standardized pipeline defect and assessment criteria, city staff will be better equipped to implement best preventative maintenance practices to reduce the probability of service disruption as well as make recommendations for future growth and development.

Regular inspections of the city’s sewers are vital to identifying defects, particularly as the infrastructure ages.  Determining the condition of sewer infrastructure coupled with understanding its consequences of failure, determines the risk. 

Using risk as a way to prioritize maintenance activities and future repair/replacement projects, is in accordance with industry best practices for system operation. 

The inspection process will be conducted by City of San Marcos wastewater collections operators who are certified National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) inspection operators.


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