San Marcos Voters Elect Rockeymoore, Marquez To City Council
“I am very thankful to the people of San Marcos for supporting my City Council campaign,” said Marquez. “I will urgently pursue criminal-justice reform policy, similar to prudent measures in Austin and San Antonio.”
Staff Reports
The results of the runoff election are in, and San Marcos voters have chosen their new city council members for Place 4 and Place 5.
Yesterday was election day for the 2018 December Runoff Election in Hays County. Only 2,376 of San Marcos’s voters turned out to vote in the runoff election.
Jocabed “Joca” Marquez won her race against Rick Henderson with 1,472 votes. Henderson received a total of 869 votes. And Mark Rockeymoore won his race against Shane Scott with 1,467 votes. Scott received 866 votes.
The full breakdown of the election votes by mail-in ballots, early voting and Election Day can be found here.
“I am very thankful to the people of San Marcos for supporting my City Council campaign,” said Marquez. “I will urgently pursue criminal-justice reform policy, similar to prudent measures in Austin and San Antonio. I will also support initiatives to preserve our neighborhoods, ensure No-Kill status at the animal shelter and promote responsible stewardship of our natural ecology, while remaining responsive to the needs of the community.”
According to the City of San Marcos, the election results will be canvassed, and Marquez and Rockeymoore will be sworn in on Wednesday, December 19.
Marquez’s election will give the San Marcos City Council a female majority.
In other news, Paige Ellis won the Austin City Council position with 66 percent of the vote. And Sara Mills was elected to Place 8 Austin Community College Trustee with 53.18 percent of the vote.