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Second Pedestrian Hit By Train

A man on the railroad tracks near Wonder World Drive in San Marcos was killed Friday afternoon when he was struck by a train at about 3:30 p.m. Police have not confirmed why the man was on the tracks.
The man was declared deceased by Justice of the Peace Jo Anne Prado via phone shortly after police found him and reported his physical condition.
The collision forced the train to stop, blocking Wonder Word Drive under the overpass crossing the UP railroad tracks. 
Union Pacific Railroad Police are taking the lead in the investigation because the collision occurred on UPRR property. Refer to UP police for further information on the collision.
This is the second incident in two weeks where a pedestrian was hit by a moving train. An 18-year-old male was hit by a train April 8 around 4 p.m.
The male was struck at the Charles Austin Drive crossing near Jowers Center and the Bobcat Softball Stadium. He did not hear the train’s horn because he was wearing headphones at the time. The victim was taken to University Hospital in San Antonio by an Air Flight helicopter.

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