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SMEF “Surprize” Patrol Awards Grants To SMCISD Educators

On the morning of June 2, fifteen lucky San Marcos CISD educators received visits from the San Marcos Education Foundation’s “Surprize” Patrol who announced that they were innovative teaching grant recipients. When the morning was complete, the SMEF had awarded almost $23,000 in grants to SMCISD educators.

Crockett Elementary’s recipients Edwina Soto and Sylvia Perez congratulate each other.



The grants included the following:

  • Jane Vaughn and Jennifer Vogel (San Marcos High School) received funding for the project Hispanic Family Early Literacy for Teen Parents and Children.

  • Sylvia Murray, RN (Travis Elementary) received a grant for the district program called Heimlich Heroes, teaching students life-saving skills.
  • Kendra Harris (Miller Middle School) was funded for her grant, Extending Education.
  • Donese Schlessinger and Kendra Harris (Miller Middle School) received a grant for their Special Ability Apps for Students with Special Needs program. Goodnight’s Jason Hillman excited about his grant.
  • Jason Hillman (Goodnight Middle School) received funding for a weather station project at Goodnight called Mean Meteorology or Weather in Disguise.
  • Edwina Soto and Sylvia Perez were funded for their proposal for a climbing wall at Crockett and the Climbing for the Stars project.
  • The elementary school-level Information Literacy Specialists were funded for the ongoing project of the Battle of the Books, which is an enhanced reading program and competition. The grant was submitted by Priscilla Delgado (Bowie), Maurica Barr (Crockett), Jennifer Payne (De Zavala), Kim Morgan-Benson (Hernandez),Adriane Clift (Mendez), and Emily Valdez (Travis).




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