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State Farm To Pay 352.5 Million In Refunds

Texas Department Of Insurance Announces $352.5 Million In Refunds To State Farm Policyholders
The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has resolved a more than decade-long dispute with the state’s largest homeowners insurer, State Farm Lloyds. The agreement with State Farm Lloyds will refund about $352.5 million to policyholders who were overcharged between September 2003 and July 2008.
Q1: I had State Farm Lloyds insurance, am I eligible to receive refunds?
A1:  If you had a State Farm Lloyds homeowners, renters, or condominium owners policy with an effective date from September 7, 2003, through May 31, 2008, you will receive a refund payment from State Farm Lloyds.  Also, if your State Farm Lloyds homeowners, renters, or condominium owners policy renewed with effective dates from June 1, 2008, through July 31, 2008, you will also receive a refund payment.
Q2:  How much is my refund?
A2:  Your refund amount will depend upon the amount of homeowners, renters, or condominium owners premium you paid for your policy, how long you had a homeowners, tenant, or condominium owners policy with State Farm Lloyds, and in which year you had a homeowners, tenant, or condominium owners policy with State Farm Lloyds.
If you had a policy effective between September 7, 2003, and August 31, 2004, you will receive a premium refund of 6.2 percent of the premium you paid. If you are eligible for a refund for a policy after August 31, 2004, your refund will be about 2.6 percent of the premium you paid.
In addition to premium refunds, you will also receive interest on your premium refunds. The interest rate is either 5¼ percent or 9¼ percent, depending on when your policy was effective.
Q3: How will I receive my refund?
A3: State Farm Lloyds will mail you a refund in the form of a check.  Your refund will not be in the form of renewal credits on your policy if you still have a State Farm Lloyds policy.
Q4:  When do the refunds begin?
A4:  State Farm Lloyds anticipates the payments will begin later this year.  Except in the case of an extraordinary weather event (such as a significant hurricane), State Farm Lloyds must make all payments by September 1, 2016.
Q5: I am eligible for a refund, do I have to take any action to receive it?
A5:  If you are an existing State Farm Lloyds policyholder, State Farm Lloyds will send a check to your billing address.  If you are no longer a State Farm Lloyds policyholder, State Farm Lloyds will send a check to your last known address.  If you are no longer a State Farm Lloyds policyholder and have moved since you had a policy with State Farm Lloyds, you may wish to read information provided by State Farm Lloyds at www.statefarm.com/texasratesettlement.
You are generally not required to take any action to receive a refund.  However, if you are owed a refund and State Farm Lloyds cannot locate you, your refund will be considered “unclaimed property” and held by the state comptroller for your benefit for you to claim.
Q6: I think I’m eligible for a refund but not sure, how do I find out if I’m eligible?
A6: Please read the information provided by State Farm Lloyds at www.statefarm.com/texasratesettlement

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