Texas Economy Adds 45,000 Jobs In June
Austin – In June, the Texas economy added 45,000 seasonally adjusted Total Nonfarm positions. After shattering the all-time low in May of 2019, the unemployment rate fell again to 3.4 percent. This new record is currently the lowest the unemployment rate has been since series tracking began in 1976.
“June’s unemployment rate is a historic win for employers and workers across the state,” said TWC Chair and Commissioner Representing Employers Ruth R. Hughs. “It is a reflection of our excellent businesses, skilled workforce and the hard work of every Texan.”
Texas employers added 315,600 jobs over the year. Total nonfarm annual employment growth was at 2.5 percent in June and has held above 2.0 percent since February 2018.
“It’s a great day to be a member of the Texas workforce,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “The skills of Texas workers are in high demand, allowing more individuals to find stable employment, earn a paycheck and invest in this great state. As unemployment continues to fall Texas must continue to invest in job training that meets the needs of in-demand industries across the state.”
Leading job growth this month was the Trade, Transportation, and Utilities industry adding 10,500 jobs in June followed by Leisure and Hospitality which added 10,000 jobs and Other Services adding 6,600 jobs.
The Midland Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) recorded June’s lowest unemployment rate among Texas MSAs with a non-seasonally adjusted rate of 2.1 percent, followed by the Amarillo, Austin-Round Rock, and Odessa MSAs which recorded at 2.7 for the second lowest rate.