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Texas Sergeant Academy Graduation To Take Place In San Marcos 

Police sergeants from around the state will graduate from the Texas Sergeant Academy on Friday, May 17 at 11 a.m. at the San Marcos Police Department, 2300 S. Interstate IH 35.

During a two-week training program that began May 6, forty police sergeants from 25 law enforcement agencies are meeting in San Marcos for the Texas Sergeant Academy, a program that educates and inspires sergeants, many of whom are new to their supervisory roles.

The academy is a partnership between the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (ILEA), in Plano, TX, and the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP).

The Texas Sergeant Academy began in 2017 as an outgrowth of ILEA’s longstanding, four-week School of Police Supervision. The goal is to bring quality supervisory education to small and medium-sized agencies that do not have the resources to send their supervisors away to nationally recognized institutions such as ILEA in Plano, Texas.

“This partnership between ILEA and TMLIRP is truly unique. We provide the educational expertise and TMLIRP underwrites a significant portion of the costs. The end result is superior service for the Southcentral Texas area police agencies and their communities. This is a win-win-win; however, the biggest winner is all those who live, work and play in the cities and counties served,” said Gregory Smith, M.A., Director of the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration.

Instructors in Texas Sergeant Academy include current and retired law enforcement executives, professional educators and attorneys who specialize in law enforcement issues. Courses include Leadership, Law Enforcement Ethics, Critical Incident Response, Accountability, and Employee Motivation and Counseling.

The Texas Sergeant Academy is open to officers in Texas police departments as well as those in other states. This class has students from as far away as Hurst, Paris and Amarillo, Texas.

The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (ILEA): As one of the premier educational organizations for law enforcement executives, managers and supervisors, ILEA provides top-quality, academically-based courses, seminars and workshops across the U.S. and internationally to prepare law enforcement officials for today’s challenging management and ethical issues.

ILEA is a division of the Center for American and International Law (CAIL), a non-profit educational organization headquartered in Plano. Texas, that works to improve the quality of justice throughout the U.S. and the world.

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