Texas State ENACTUS Team Advances To Nationals

ENACTUS is a global, non-profit organization that is changing the world through highly dedicated student teams on more than 1700 university campuses in 36 countries.

by, Kendall Lewis

SAN MARCOS, Texas – On Monday, April 10, 2017, Texas State University’s Entrepreneurial Action Us, ENACTUS, team finished in the top 4 in the Regional ENACTUS competition in Dallas, Texas and will go on to compete in Nationals on May 23rd in Kansas City, Missouri.

Accompanied by Vicki West, the former World champion and three-time National champion, ENACTUS showcased their projects, each based on the criteria “what is ‘entrepreneurial action,’” “how are people ‘empowered,’” “what are ‘livelihoods,’” and “what makes an ENACTUS project ‘economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable?’”

Each year, Texas State’s ENACTUS team organizes and participates in different projects that bring to life their learning philosophy “tell me, and I will forget; show me, and I might remember. Involve me, and I will understand.”

From raising chickens on a local farm to creating a business aimed to guide individuals through their technological issues, each award-winning project is created, held and run by ENACTUS students.

Aside from winning the annual Sales competition, the ultimate goal of all projects is to improve the standard of living for the community of San Marcos.

ENACTUS is a global, non-profit organization that is changing the world through highly dedicated student teams on more than 1700 university campuses in 36 countries. ENACTUS offers these students the opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills through learning, practicing and teaching the principles of free enterprise, thereby improving the standard of living for millions in the process.

Texas State ENACTUS is one of the leading collegiate teams within the United States. ENACTUS has been helping others achieve their dreams through free enterprise education for more than 25 years. Today, ENACTUS is the world’s prominent and largest university-based free enterprise organization.

If you would like to learn more about ENACTUS, please visit the ENACTUS website, http://marketing.mccoy.txstate.edu/studentorgs/enactus.html or contact Vicki West at vw03@txstate.edu, ENACTUS President, Gina Goss at gmg44@txstate.edu, or Kendall Lewis at kel63@txstate.edu.


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