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Texas Tax Amnesty Program Starts May 1 – June 29


The Texas Tax Amnesty Program will, under certain circumstances, provide delinquent taxpayers with relief from penalties and interest on tax due…

The Texas Tax Amnesty Program will, under certain circumstances, provide delinquent taxpayers with relief from penalties and interest on tax due.

If a taxpayer has been notified that a period or periods are scheduled for an audit review, or if they are already under audit review, then those periods are not eligible for amnesty.

It does not apply to accounts which have been certified to the Office of the Attorney General, accounts which are presently in litigation, or accounts which have been reduced to judgment.

Additionally, the amnesty doesn’t apply to local motor vehicle tax, IFTA taxes, PUC gross receipts assessments or unclaimed property payments.

Who is eligible to participate in the amnesty program?

Eligible taxpayers include those who:

  • did not file a required return or report originally due before Jan. 1, 2018; or
  • under-reported taxes or fees due for any reason, such as erroneously claiming credits or deductions.

The amnesty does not apply to filing periods under audit or identified for an audit.

What are the dates to remember?

The limited amnesty is available May 1 through June 29, 2018, for reports originally due before Jan. 1, 2018.

How do I apply for the amnesty program?

File an original report by submitting a paper return, and write “Amnesty” across the top of the return and on the check or money order.

If amending a report, submit the corrected figures on a paper return, and write “Amnesty” across the top of the return and on the check or money order.

If submitting a tax application and registering for the first time, write “Amnesty” on the application as well as the return and check or money order.

Tax forms are found at https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/forms/.

Where should payments be sent?

Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Comptroller of Public Accounts and mailed to:

Taxpayer Amnesty
Comptroller of Public Accounts
P.O. Box 12020
Austin, Texas 78711-2020

What are the benefits of participating in the amnesty program?

Program participants can “wipe the slate clean” by filing past due reports, or amending reports that underreported taxes, without paying penalties or interest. You can also register for taxes that should have been reported, and catch up on those reports that should have been filed, without paying penalties or interest.

If you still have questions, you can check out the Texas Comptroller’s FAQ Page.


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