The 2017 AccelerateH2O and InvestH2O 2017 Forum Set For June
The 2017 AccelerateH2O and InvestH2O 2017 Forum Set For June: “Disruptive Technologies and Innovative Water Investment Scenarios”
The 3rd annual gathering of the largest water and water technology investor forum in Texas and the Southwest US has been set for June.
The AccelerateH2O and InvestH2O forum will take place on June 14-16th in Austin Texas, starting with the first-ever Texas Water Internet of Things Hackathon for youth and students on June 14th and concluding with investment pitches from 50+ Texas, US and international technology companies.
This opportunity will take place in front of representatives from among family offices, private equity, corporate venturing, venture capital, wealth management, public funds, and individual, high net worth investment capacity.

“We have grown into the only annual gathering of market intelligence, analysts, leading technology firms, and project developers across Texas and Southwest US – and as a result we are sparking new investments in both urban and rural opportunities for enhanced water management to drought-proof our communities, leverage produced water from oil and gas, recycling and reuse industrial supply, and of course engage citizens, youth and student,” Jerry Kane, Chairman of AccelerateH2O’s Executive Committee and former CEO of Sam Kane Beef Processors.
Added to the schedule of this year’s InvestH2O are keynote speakers and panels showcasing large-scale public-private partnerships in water infrastructure that have leveraged technology applications and integrated solutions, a ‘Reverse Pitch’ session with Corporate 500 companies and major municipal water systems, and a series of presentations from investors and leading water firms from Los Angeles to Boston, Ireland to Israel.
“We are connecting the best of the world with the best of Texas and the states around us to really drive home one key point: disruptive technologies and innovative investment scenarios are being tested and demonstrated here at a scale and scope that few other locations can offer!”, according to Richard Seline, Executive Director and Senior Advisor to AccelerateH2O.
To date, the following individuals have confirmed; a complete list of private, public sector speakers and panelists can be found at , and will be updated daily:
- Reese Tisdale, CEO, Bluefield Research
- Christopher Gasson, CEO and Editor, Global Water Intelligence
- Will Sarni, former Managing Partner, Deloitte Sustainability Practice
- Amanda Brock, CEO, Water Standard
- Hubble Hausman, CEO Enviro Water Minerals & Ed Archuleta, former CEO, El Paso Water
- John Durand, Partner, WaterBridge Capital & Richard Morton, GM, City of Odessa
- Kevin Ward, General Manager, Trinity River Authority
- Mary Conley Eggert, Global Water Works
Joining on panels or as pitch-session moderators are invited senior executives of Evoqua, Suez, PepsiCo, Anadarko, Tysons Food, Coca-Cola, Dow, the Cities of Houston/El Paso/Austin Water Systems, ExxonMobil, Sandia National Laboratory, and 20 other representatives from real-estate, oil and gas, data and instrumentation, and food-beverage companies.
Former Chairman of Frost Bank and Co-Chairman of AccelerateH2O’s Advisory Board, Dick Evans notes: “I attended last year’s InvestH2O and this year’s agenda is even stronger. If you are an investor or a technology company anywhere in the world, we want you in Texas in June. Our relationship with Wells Fargo Foundation and other partners to be announced will generate more opportunities in 72 hours than any other gathering. Fifty pre-vetted companies and 75 unique investors is a fertile ground for solving Texas and the world’s greatest water challenges!”
AccelerateH2O are singularly focused on overcoming barriers and limitations to innovating water and the deployment of technology to address critical challenges for citizens, consumers, businesses, and communities.
The Texas water technology accelerator was established as a 501c3 statewide initiative to organize the innovation capacity of academic, industry, entrepreneurial, public sector, and investment expertise to spark immediate solutions to the ongoing drought and growth prospects demanding additional sources of water, and to generate efficient and economic solutions in Texas and the Southwest US unique marketplace. More about AccelerateH2O can be found at
InvestH2O is our ongoing forum of connecting the best technologies, products, services, and integrated solutions with investors, procurement decision-makers, water managers, and collaborative partners in the private and public sectors.
In 2015 and 2016, InvestH2O convened 125 and 250 water and water technology attendees respectively, and attracted 20 and 45 emerging, growth technology firms to pitch their capabilities, applications, and investment needs.
Through their ongoing platform, AccelerateH2O and InvestH2O connect interested parties, incubators/accelerators, and end-users with a broad spectrum of investment scenarios including pre-commercialization, equity, project, and infrastructure opportunities in Texas and increasingly the Southwest U.S. More information on InvestH2O can be found at