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The Property Value Study And How To Protest

The Property Value Study And How To Protest

The Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) is pleased to announce that the Comptroller’s property value study (PVS) preliminary findings were certified to the Commissioner of Education on Jan. 30, 2015. As a reminder, March 11, 2015, is the deadline for a school district or eligible taxpayer to file a petition protesting the preliminary findings. PTAD developed new forms and procedures for filing a protest petition.

Links to the preliminary findings, along with protest-related information including The Property Value Study and How to Protest publication, the video The Basics of the Property Value Study and How to Read the Results  and the revised protest forms are located on PTAD’s website at comptroller.texas.gov/taxinfo/proptax/pvs.html.

PTAD is also pleased to announce a new video, How to Protest Property Value Study Results, which details how to complete the revised protest forms for properly filing a protest petition and supporting documentation.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email or 1-800-252-9121 (press 2 to access the menu and then press 1 to contact the Information Services Team).


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