Top 13 Road Construction Projects To Avoid In #SMTX
The long & short term road construction projects that could affect your drive… Please use caution, drive slowly and watch for heavy equipment, construction workers, and traffic control flaggers.
AQUARENA SPRINGS DRIVE: Aquarena Springs at IH 35 to River Road for stripping. Traffic will have intermittent lane closure. COSM, 512.805.2626
July 17 8 AM |
TBD 5 PM |
• LONG TERM — HUTCHINSON STREET: Hutchison Street on a portion of eastbound sidewalk & partial westbound parking spaces on Hutchinson St. between LBJ Dr. and Edward Gary St. will be closed for construction of a park. COSM, 512.805.2626 |
June 3 | Aug. 26 |
• LONG TERM — BERT BROWN: Bert Brown Street at Post Road will be closed for under ground utility installation. Jacob Snyder, 214.298.4578 |
June 1 |
Aug. 25 |
• LONG TERM — AQUARENA SPRINGS: Aquarena Springs Dr. 700 Blk will have inside lane closure in both directions for CIP project. Kevin Gabrysch, 713.845.3016 |
Jun 11 7 AM |
Aug 3 7 PM |
• LONG TERM — MILL STREET RECONSTRUCTION: Mill Street between 500 and 700 blocks will have partial lane closure for the reconstruction of waterline services and potholing. City of San Marcos Engineering/CIP Dept. 512.393.8130, Smith Contracting, 512.789.5441 | May 2019 |
Fall 2019 |
• LONG TERM — CHEATHAM STREET: Cheatham Street and the 400-500 Blocks of Guadalupe will have partial lane closures for new construction. Gary Bellomy, Cheatham Street, L.P. 512.694.8839 |
Current | July 2019 |
• LONG TERM — HOPKINS STREET: A portion of Hopkins St. will be closed for a road widening project and underground utility installation. Richard Reynosa, 512.393.8235 |
Nov. 2018 |
Fall 2020 |
• LONG TERM CLOSURE — STUDENT CENTER DRIVE: Student Center Drive from Matthews to the North Loading Dock of the Alkek Library will be closed for the expansion of the LBJ Student Center. Service and delivery access to Alkek Library and Derrick Hall loading docks will be available, via Russell and Pickard Streets. Texas State University, 512.245.2202 |
Current |
Jan. 2020 |
• LONG TERM CLOSURE – COERS STREET: Coers Street between Old RR 12 to Owens Street will have southbound lane closure to through traffic for drainage improvement. Denbow Company, 512.264.2767 |
Oct. 2018 7 AM |
Dec. 2019 5:30 PM |
• LONG TERM CLOSURE – CONCHO STREE: Eastbound Concho Street between LBJ and Guadalupe will be closed, LBJ and Guadalupe will also have narrow lanes between University Drive and Concho Street for Construction. 3411 Builders, Inc., Richard Bagby, 832.449.0328 | Aug. 2018 |
Summer 2020 |
• LONG TERM CLOSURE – TRAVIS STREET DRAINAGE PROJECT: Traffic impacts include the intersection of MLK at Armstead, Armstead from MLK to San Antonio Street, San Antonio Street from Travis Street to Armstead and Travis Street from San Antonio St. to Hopkins Street will be closed for utility installation. Commercial Construction, Darren Okruhlik, 956.601.1645 | Mar. 11 7 AM |
Nov. 2019 5 PM |
• LONG TERM – CM ALLEN PARKWAY: CM Allen between University Drive and Hopkins Street will be closed for the reconstruction of roadway. COSM Engineering/CIP Dept., 512.393.8130 | July 25 9 AM |
Oct. 2019 5 PM |
**CLOSURE EVERY SATURDAY – EAST SAN ANTONIO STREET: Half a block closed from the alley to N. LBJ every Saturday from for the Farmers Market on the Square. Main Street Program, 512.393.8430 |
Every Saturday 8 AM |
Every Saturday 3 PM |