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Top 5 Items To Watch During Kyle’s City Council Meeting, Including Budget, Tax Rate, SB 62 Texting While Driving…

Top 5 items to watch during Kyle’s City Council Meeting, including the Fiscal Year Budget, Tax Rate, SB 62 Texting While Driving…

IV. Appointments

2. Consideration of  Nominations  for  Appointments  to  the  Planning  and  Zoning ~ Howard J. Koontz, Director of Planning and Community Development. READ MORE HERE

Travis Robinson – Seat 3

Leslie Denise Blok – Seat 4

3. Appoint nominee for position on City of Kyle Ethics ~ Daphne Tenorio, Council Member. READ MORE HERE

Nancy Fahy

V. Consider and Possible Action

4. (Second Reading) Approve an Ordinance of the City of Kyle, Texas, adopting a budget totaling $75,542,631.00 for all City Funds for the ensuing fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018; appropriating revenue and expenditure amounts thereof for all City Funds, authorizing water and wastewater service rates, storm drainage fees, other fees and charges for City services as specified  in the fee schedule, capital improvements program expenditures, 228.0 full time equivalent positions, carryover of encumbrances, all associated budget schedules and documents, and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict therewith; and providing for an effective date. READ MORE HERE

5. (Second Reading) Approve an Ordinance of the City of Kyle, Texas, fixing the ad valorem tax rate at $0.5416 per $100.00 of assessed taxable valuation and providing for the levying of ad valorem taxes for use and support of the municipal government of the City of Kyle for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018; providing for apportioning each levy for specific purposes; and providing when taxes shall become due and when same  shall  become  delinquent  if  not paid. READ MORE HERE

7. Consider and possible action to approve Combined Emergency Communication Center Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. (NOTE: Agreement is with Hays County) READ MORE HERE

10. Consider and possible action regarding House Bill 62 (Texting While Driving). ~ Jeff Barnett, Chief of Police. READ MORE HERE

Kyle City Council Regular Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 7 PM

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Kyle-City-Council-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-Tuesday-Sept-9-2017.pdf”]


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