TWC Hold Veterans Virtual Hiring Fair Today
9th Annual Statewide Veterans Hiring Event to be Held Virtually
AUSTIN – For the ninth year, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), in partnership with 28 local workforce development boards and the Texas Veterans Commission, will host veterans hiring fairs in 31 cities throughout Texas on Thursday, Nov. 5. This year, for the first time, all events will be held virtually.
TWC’s ninth annual Hiring Red, White & You! Statewide Hiring Fair is a joint initiative supported by the Office of the Governor, the Texas Medical Center (TMC), and the Texas Veterans Commission (TWC) to connect veterans and their spouses in Texas with employers who are seeking the exceptional skills of veterans and their spouses.
“On behalf of the state of Texas, I want to say thank you to all veterans for answering the call to serve our nation and defend our freedoms. And I want you to know that Texas has your back,” said Governor Greg Abbott. “Greater economic opportunity for our veterans begins with employment that fully utilizes their skills, dedication, and drive. That is why I encourage employers in Texas to attend a Hiring, Red, White & You! event on Nov. 5.”
The multi-city event is designed to assist veterans, service members, and their spouses as they seek their next career opportunity.
Employers participate at no cost and are encouraged to contact their local Workforce Solutions Office for more information.
Over the past eight years, Hiring Red, White & You! has connected more than 98,600 job seekers, including 38,925 veterans and spouses, with 16,650 employers and the event has included over 2,700 same-day hires.
“Our nation’s heroes have unmatched skills, advanced training, and proven leadership capabilities,” said TWC Chair Bryan Daniel. “TWC Hiring Red, White & You! events provide a venue for employers to expand their workforce with these invaluable men and women.”
The Texas Veterans Commission is preparing veterans for these hiring fairs by assisting them with applications and résumés, interviewing techniques, as well as one-on-one counseling services.
“Veterans bring experience, skills, and leadership abilities that will strengthen any business. Veteran employment programs and events like Hiring Red, White & You! are extremely beneficial to all Texans,” said Texas Veterans Commission Chairwoman Laura Koerner. “Our veterans deserve the opportunity to experience the same pride and purpose they had while serving.”
The national unemployment rate in 2019 for all veterans was 3.1 percent1. In contrast, for those veterans who served in the military since September 2001, the unemployment rate was higher at 3.5 percent2.
There are nearly 1.5 million3 total veterans throughout Texas, which is the 2nd highest state population of veterans in the country.
“Having a career builds the foundation for a better future for our citizens, their families, and their community,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “Hiring Red, White & You! is an invaluable coordination of efforts to assist veterans with their career needs. We applaud those who hire our heroes and encourage all employers to do the same.”
Employers who hire veterans may be eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, which allows employers to receive up to $9,600 on federal business income or payroll tax benefits when they hire from certain qualified groups of veterans.
“Texas employers have an incredible opportunity to connect with our military men and women by participating in a Hiring Red, White, & You event on November 5th,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “Our service members are dedicated, highly skilled, and come with unrivaled leadership experience. Let’s once again, honor our Texas veterans by creating and providing new opportunities for them to contribute to this great state after their service in uniform.”
Information on how employers and job seekers can participate in Hiring Red, White & You! Hiring Fairs may be found at www.texasworkforce.org/hrwy. Please note that all events this year will be virtual. For information on all veteran workforce services available in Texas, visit www.texasworkforce.org/veterans.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2019 Employment Situation of Veterans, veterans 18 and over, not seasonally adjusted. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/vet.nr0.htm
- Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2019 Employment Situation of Veterans, Gulf War-era II veterans, not seasonally adjusted. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/vet.nr0.htm
- Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2019 Employment Situation of Veterans, veterans 18 and over, not seasonally adjusted. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/vet.nr0.htm