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Upcoming Biannual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 is the biannual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. This is a day to educate the public about the dangers that improper drug disposal poses to people, the environment, and wildlife.

The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day highlights convenient, safe, and responsible options for disposing of prescription drugs at specific sites where the drugs will be collected and destroyed responsibly.

Prescription drugs can be deposited for disposal at many locations, including most pharmacies, found on the DOJ search page. Visit www.DEATakeBack.com or call (800) 882-9539 for more information.

Flushing unused drugs down the sink or toilet has the potential to contaminate the raw water sources that supply drinking water for humans.

Low concentrations of active pharmaceutical ingredients have been found in the environment, with the potential for adverse effects on wildlife.

Results from the April 2019 17th National Take Back:
Total Law Enforcement Participation: 4,969
Total Collection Sites: 6,258
Total Weight Collected: 937,443 lbs. (469 Tons)

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  1. My daughter was recently cure of ALS by a good doctor, Thank God my daughter have finally recovered after 7 weeks of taking the medication. She can talk very well now, walk freely my daughter is cured and healthy.

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