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Your Total Debt Per Capita For Hays County And Cities Within

There have been a lot of talk and several discussions locally on Hays County placing two bond referendums on the November ballot.

The data gathered on the debt owed for each and every person in the county (not just property owners.)

We set out to give each of you what is currently on the books for each Hays County residents your county debt, city debt, and school district debt. (this does not include special district taxes.)

The data on this page is provided as of the date indicated and may not reflect debt, population or other data as of any subsequent date.

In addition, the debt is shown for the county only, and not for other political subdivisions that may have outstanding debt, taxing powers, and the same boundaries as the county.

Debt of a controlled non-profit corporation is included as debt of its sponsoring county, even if non-recourse.


Here are some definitions that you need to know to help understand the information below;

  • What is Tax-Supported Debt? It is backed by a pledge of property taxes levied within the issuer’s boundaries. Some tax-supported debt may be secured by a combination of property taxes and other revenue sources. It generally must be voter-approved (with exceptions for COs, tax notes, school district maintenance tax notes, and certain county road bonds and contractual obligations for personal property.)
  • What is Revenue-Supported Debt? It is secured by non-property tax revenue such as sales tax, tuition, admissions to athletic events, tolls, or water, gas, or electric municipal utility charges. As used in this site, it does not include debt that is also payable from property taxes. Revenue-supported debt generally does not require voter approval.
  • What is Lease Purchase? It is financing the purchase of an asset over time through lease payments that include principal and interest. Lease purchases can be financed through a private vendor.
  • What is Per Capita? Per capita is a Latin term that translates into “by head,” basically meaning “average per person.” Per capita can take the place of saying “per person” in any number of statistical observances. In most cases, the phrase is used in relation to economic data or reporting, but it can also be used in almost any other occurrence of population description.


Hays County Debt At A Glance

Tax Supported Debt: $298,490,000

Revenue Supported Debt: $0

HAYS COUNTY Percent Change of Population, between 2005-2014: +47.7 Percent  

STATE OF TEXAS Percent of Change of Population between 2005-2014: +18.3 Percent

Hays County Population 2014: 185,025 

Median income 2009 – 2013: $58,651

OUTSTANDING Hays County Tax-Supported Debt Per Capita: $1,613


Debt at a Glance for Cities in Hays County

NOTE: We have listed each of the four Hays County School district debt, but we cannot give you the exact school district amount that you owe Per Capita, as we have no idea how many of you live in which school district.

Just because you live in Hays County, not not in a city, you still have to pay whatever school district you live closest to.

You can find out which district you pay taxes into by reviewing your property tax bill, and figure out what your debt will be depending on which district you are in.


San Marcos Kyle Buda Dripping Springs
Tax-Supported Debt: 


Tax-Supported Debt: 


Tax-Supported Debt:


Tax-Supported Debt: 


Revenue-Supported Debt:  


Revenue-Supported Debt:  


Revenue-Supported Debt:  


Revenue-Supported Debt:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  











Tax-Supported Debt    Per Capita: $3,943

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $5,556


Tax-Supported Debt   Per Capita: $2,119

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $3,732


Tax-Supported Debt  Per Capita: $2,034

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $3,647


Tax-Supported Debt  Per Capita: $3,776

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $5,389

Wimberley Mountain City Woodcreek Uhland
Tax-Supported Debt: $560,000  Tax-Supported Debt: $62,965  Tax-Supported Debt: $0 Tax-Supported Debt:  $0 
Revenue-Supported Debt:


Revenue-Supported Debt:


Revenue-Supported Debt: 


Revenue-Supported Debt: 


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  











Tax-Supported Debt   Per Capita: $3,943

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $5,556


Tax-Supported Debt   Per Capita: $97

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $1,613


Tax-Supported Debt  Per Capita: $0

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $1,613


Tax-Supported Debt  Per Capita: $0

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $1,613

Niederwald City of Bear Creek City of Hays
Tax-Supported Debt: 


Tax-Supported Debt: 


Tax-Supported Debt: 


Revenue-Supported Debt: 


Revenue-Supported Debt: 


Revenue-Supported Debt: 


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  


% Change Population, 2005-2014:  









Tax-Supported Debt Per Capita Outstanding: $0

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $1,613


Tax-Supported Debt Per Capita Outstanding: $0

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $1,613


Tax-Supported Debt Per Capita Outstanding: $0

Hays County Debt: $1,613

Total Per Capita: $1,613




Debt at a Glance – Hays County School Districts Debt

Here are some definitions that you need to know to help understand the school district taxes  information below;

  • Voter Approved Tax Supported Debt is secured by a pledge of a sufficient property tax dedicated to pay debt service. May be used for school capital projects such as buildings, renovations, technology, athletic facilities, school buses and performing arts facilities or to refund maintenance and operations tax-supported debt.
  • Maintenance and Operations Tax-Supported Debt is payable from revenue other than dedicated debt service taxes, including maintenance and operations taxes. May be used for any purpose other than payment of debt service, including maintenance and operating expenses.
  • Revenue Supported Debt is used to build and maintain sports facilities and payable from non-tax revenue.
  • Lease Revenue Obligations obligations issued by a public facilities corporation created by a school district, used for acquiring, constructing, and equipping school facilities, and payable from lease rental obligations of the district. Commonly paid from available unrestricted revenue, including surplus maintenance and operations tax proceeds.


Hays CISD San Marcos CISD
Located in Hays County and had an enrollment of 17,205 in 2014.

The district has a total of 22 campus(es), including 13 elementary school(s), 5 middle school(s) and 4 high school(s). 

Located in Hays County and had an enrollment of 7,501 in 2014.

The district has a total of 10 campus(es), including 6 elementary school(s),2 middle school(s) and 2 high school(s).

Voter Approved Tax-Supported Debt:    $328,155,000 Voter Approved Tax-Supported Debt:    $172,804,959
Maintenance and Operations       Tax-Supported Debt:    $0 Maintenance and Operations
Tax-Supported Debt:    $0
Revenue Supported Debt:    $0 Revenue Supported Debt:    $0
Lease Revenue Obligations:    $0 Lease Revenue Obligations:    $0
Change from 2004-2005 to 2013-2014: +76.4% Change from 2004-2005 to 2013-2014: +5.8%


Dripping Springs ISD 

Wimberley ISD

Located in Hays and Travis Counties, had an enrollment of 5,085 in 2014.

The district has a total of 5 of campus(es), including 3 elementary school(s), 1 middle school(s) and 1 high school(s).

Located in Hays County and had an enrollment of 2,064 in 2014.

The district has a total of 4 campus(es), including 2 elementary school(s), 1 middle school(s) and 1 high school(s).

Voter Approved Tax-Supported Debt: $203,864,999 Voter Approved Tax-Supported Debt: $59,644,473
Maintenance and Operations
Tax-Supported Debt: $2,720,000
Maintenance and Operations
Tax-Supported Debt: $850,000
Revenue Supported Debt:     $0   Revenue Supported Debt:    $0  
Lease Revenue Obligations:    $0   Lease Revenue Obligations:    $0  
Change from 2004-2005 to 2013-2014:  +49.2% Change from 2004-2005 to 2013-2014: +6.9%

Source: Texas State Comptroller


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One Comment

  1. There is a big and glaring mathematical error in the “Wimberley” column of “Debt at
    a Glance for Cities.” The Wimberley tax-supported debt per capita is shown as $3,943.
    That figure is incorrect, and should be $214 ($560,000 debt divided by 2615 population).
    After correcting that first error, then the Wimberley TOTAL per capita debt should be shown as $1,827 ($1,613 + $214) — not $$5.556.

    (Also, Mountain City total debt per capita should be $1,710 ($1,613 + $97). I didn’t
    bother to check the math elsewhere.)

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