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10 Ways To Make Your Move A Breeze Without Breaking The Bank

By, AnnaBeth Rouse

Moving across country isn’t cheap, in fact, most professional movers would cost you more than $4,000 for an interstate move. It’s important that you should be aware and in control of the costs involved.

Fortunately, there are ways in which you can make your move possible without burning a hole in your pocket. Below are some of them.

1. Plan in advance

Imagine your junk drawers…that one coat closet that slowly collects everything…and don’t even start to think about the attic. All of these things will have to be gone, whether they leave with you or end up in the trash.

Don’t procrastinate packing. A few months before the big day plan multiple weekends where you will spend the day packing different areas of your home. Don’t be afraid to ask for help early on! Ask your family and friends, offer lunch and refreshments for their time. They will appreciate the heads up and will more than likely be glad to help.

2. Schedule your move-in and move-out day at least 3 days apart

If it’s possible, stagger your move-in day and move-out day a couple of days apart. You will find it’s much easier to transfer your belongings from your old place to your new home when you have time on your side. This also gives you a few cushion days to finish cleaning and fixing up any things you may have left to do at the old house as well as give your body and mind time to rest.

3. Remember that books are heavy

If you have acquired your share of books throughout the years, it’s important to remember that they quickly weigh down boxes. If you have dozens of magazines, they can be even heavier! Use this time to consider donating some old books and magazines to your local library. After you do that, pack the remaining books in multiple small boxes instead of one hefty box.

4. Purchase high-quality packing tape

Never settle for less when it comes to your packing supplies – especially in your choice of packing tape. You should be able to seal your boxes securely and cheap packing tape will not do it. You will only risk your things falling out of the box’s rear if you seal it with something cheap. You can find affordable bundles of professional packing supplies in moving kits like this one offered by Allied Van Lines.

5. Label all your boxes

Labeling your boxes will make your move easier and save you time digging or sorting through dozens of boxes just to find your favorite coffee mug.

Include the contents, where the box is going, and the instructions for handling. If the contents are fragile, write it down on the box. Between your family, friends, and the moving service you never know who will end up moving each box – labeling items as fragile or providing handling instructions will ensure things end up right where you want them in one place.

6. Look for an affordable moving service

While moving trucks and services can be pricey, you can still find some companies that offer their services at a price that’s affordable and dependable. Some companies even offer a variety of services that can be purchased separately or all together.

Every move is different and so is every moving company. A dependable moving service like Allied Van Lines will have more affordable rates for all their services offered and also offer DIY supplies like the moving kits mentioned before if you’re wanting to tackle moving on your own.

7. Prepare some snacks for your helpers

Whether it’s your friends or moving services that will help you out, have water and some food available for them. A thirsty helper will get tired quickly. This not only will make it easier on all involved, but might encourage people to go the extra mile in return.

8. Pack a ‘weekend’ bag before the move

Pack a getaway bag for you and your family to live out of during the couple of days of transition. This will help you avoid opening a dozen random boxes and avoid the risk of becoming a cluttered mess. Include a couple of changes of clothes, phone chargers, toiletries, and maybe a toy or two if you have little ones. 

9. Enlist the help of friends

Whether it’s to help with packing, moving day, repainting rooms, or even for a few hours of babysitting while you knock out some labor – ask for help! Your friends and family will be happy to assist you during this hectic time.

10. Start early

The ideal time for moving is around 8 am. Anytime too late will be tiring and at the risk of the hottest point of the day. Since your energy is at its max, take advantage and knock it out first thing. Moving is both physically and mentally challenging so your body and mind should be in its most alert state when packing things and hauling them into the vehicle.

AnnaBeth Rouse is a contributing writer and media specialist for Allied Van Lines. She regularly produces content for a variety of travel and lifestyle blogs.

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