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166 Texas High Schools To Participate In GenTX College Application Week From Nov. 16-21

Austin, Texas – GenTX College Application Week, supported by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the GenTX Steering Committee, and GenTX partners, will be held Nov. 16-21 at 166 Texas high schools. The goal is for each participating student to submit at least one college application to any of the 148 public and independent institutions of higher education in Texas, or any institution of choice outside the state.
As part of the nationwide American College Application Campaign® (ACAC) initiative, the GenTX College Application Week campaign seeks to increase the number of students who are applying to college early in their senior year. Studies of college application efforts reveal that 72-79 percent of students who submit college applications early will matriculate to a postsecondary institution the following fall term.
As students across the state think about education and training beyond high school, the GenTX initiative focuses on students who may not otherwise consider and apply to college, including first generation and economically disadvantaged students. During the GenTX Application Week students at participating Texas high schools will be assisted as they complete college applications during the school day. By completing applications early in the school year, Texas students will be able to follow through to complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by early spring, enabling many students to qualify for scholarships or other financial assistance.
“Encouraging students to become college and career ready for their future success is critical to achieving Texas’ new strategic plan for higher education, 60x30TX,” said Higher Education Commissioner Raymund Paredes. “Texas’ continued economic success depends on an educated workforce, and higher education – from workforce certificates to advanced degrees – can open the door to prosperity for all Texans. The GenTX campaign helps students envision a wide range of possibilities for their successful future.”
This is the second year that Texas has hosted the college application campaign that is designed to enhance and expand the college going culture in Texas. The campaign utilizes existing networks and infrastructure, such as school personnel and volunteers, which are low-cost or no cost. In 2014, the Texas campaign had a total of 91 participating high schools with 3,446 students who completed 8,731 college applications. The national ACAC initiative reached out to students in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as more than 4,000 schools participated in the 2014 campaign.

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