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35 Years Of Commitment To Local Victims Of Abuse

HCWC’s upcoming Annual Auction is honoring Elva Gonzalez’s 35 years of service working with victims of family violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.
As Elva reflected on her 35 years, she recalls the over 7,000 victims she worked with, like Sandra who came to HCWC seeking shelter after she was violently abused by her husband. She arrived with her four children seeking safe refuge and answers to help her “fix” her marriage. She wanted to keep her family together and eventually returned to her abuser. She struggled off and on for years and several times HCWC assisted her and her children with shelter, advocacy and counseling until she finally moved out on her own.
Sandra recently returned to HCWC but this time it wasn’t for herself. She returned to help a friend who found herself in the same place Sandra was years ago. Elva recalls Sandra stating that she is now “happy and independent and thanked Elva for remaining patient and compassionate with her and her children.” Sandra’s story is only one example of the over 29,000 local victims that HCWC has served over the years.
After 35 years of service to victims, Elva has a two-fold message for the community: “First, if you’re in an abusive relationship where it has gotten to the point where violence and abuse is occurring, remember life is precious. No one deserves to be unhappy because life is too short. Second, unfortunately family violence, sexual assault, and child abuse is a very serious problem in the world, even here in our community. It could be a friend, a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker or your own child….anyone can be a victim. Victims of abuse deserve the best services possible and I want to be a part of making that happen as we all should be”.
HCWC is often asked, “How can I help?” This year, you can help local victims of abuse by joining them at their upcoming Annual Auction on Saturday, April 18 at 6:00 pm at Texas State University, LBJ Ballroom. For more information about HCWC, their Annual Auction, and information to contribute items for the auction, call 512-396-3404 or visit www.hcwc.org.
The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center has a 38-year history of serving women, men, and children in Hays and Caldwell Counties who are victims of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. All HCWC services are free and confidential. For more information, please visit www.hcwc.org or call (512) 396-HELP.

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