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San Marcos To Offer Remembrance Of War Heroes On Memorial Day

The City of San Marcos is inviting the public to pay tribute to those from Hays County who lost their lives in combat at a special Memorial Day ceremony at the Hays County Veterans Memorial, located on the corner of Hopkins Street and Riverside Drive, at 10 AM Monday, May 27.

Veterans from the different war eras will participate in the ceremonial reading of the names of the war dead, dating back to World War I. San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson will preside over the Memorial Day ceremony. 

Retired Army Colonel, Charles Walts will be the featured speaker during the program.

Members of Scout Troop 1993 will post the colors during the ceremony.  San Marcos High School student Elliette Coleman will perform the National Anthem and the ceremony will conclude with Taps performed by Gabriel Ortiz.

In addition to the listing of men and women killed in action, the memorial contains marble plaques that individuals have purchased in honor of their special servicemen and women. 

Participants will also be able to learn more about the veterans’ organizations that are active in the San Marcos community, as well as the Hays County Veterans Service Office, located in the Hays County Courthouse.

Memorial plaques may be purchased any time during open hours at the city’s Grant Harris Building, 401 E. Hopkins Street. A brochure is also available at the Parks and Recreation office in the Grant Harris Building. Information is available online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/veteransmemorial


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