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Local Jeweler Addresses Community About Business Model Change, Thanks Community For Support

Dear Longtime Friends and Customers,

I have come to a crossroads. Since 2010, I have had the distinct pleasure of being your local personal jeweler. I’ve seen fires, floods, construction, and burglary. I watched the economy change and the gold bubble burst.

I’ve seen and experienced the hardships people face if they don’t have health insurance or have elderly dependents to care for. I have two little girls and a short(ish) list of health problems. Since opening, almost a decade ago the square foot cost of rent downtown has become exponentially higher.

My electrical, water, internet, phone and operating expenses have nearly doubled, and my income has plummeted. My customers cannot expect to come downtown and find parking in a timely manner, if at all.

I cannot survive with these factors against me. Furthermore, the internet has dealt little shops a death sentence.  Despite making our lives easier and a wide variety of choices available by a keystroke, it has made face to face retail obsolete and “overpriced.”

It is said that muscles if not properly exercised will go away, the same is true for small businesses.  The high cost of business and the struggle for customers access has created a perfect storm.  It is a drain on my resources and my personal resolve to continue to defy the winds of change. I can sell jewelry on Etsy, Amazon, eBay and at festivals all over near and far.

I can provide watch batteries, band adjustments, jewelry repair services, and custom designs. I will just be doing it from a location in an office by appointment and/or limited hours. I will continue to buy gold and silver and assist with estate appraisals and large fine estate goods liquidation. I will be providing adequate parking.

What I give up by doing this is being a downtown business. I will still sell jewelry from my inventory/catalog. I have no plan to quit, just change the way I do business. More than a few of you have noticed that it has been hard to reach me during posted hours. That’s because I have an older family member who relies on me to help him meet his needs. Also, my girls require quite a bit of attention.

My jeweler Bob, who is semi-retired had another stroke in September and hasn’t bounced back as much as he felt he would.  I’ve been taking up the slack at the bench, but I don’t work as fast as he does. I could hire another jeweler, but this would take away the income I provide for Bob.

I also cannot run the store while actively working at the bench so I can only attend to one or the other. I do not have the budget to hire another associate especially when I have not had great experiences with employees. That is not to say that I haven’t had some awesome people working for me, but the few that have been disappointments, have ruined me on having help.

Change comes quick since my landlord has a new tenant lined up and has asked if I’m willing to terminate my lease early (5/31). Please look to our website and/or Facebook for updated information.

All open tickets/orders will be completed. I am hosting a huge sale for the next 2 weeks, I won’t refuse any reasonable offers above cost. I am looking for feedback from my customers.

I cannot be open as much as a corporate box store 7 days a week from 8 PM to 8 AM with 15 employees, but I am willing to have regular walk-in hours and make appointments for larger consultations.

I may be doing business by home delivery and email for a while, as it can take time to set up a studio. What days, hours would be best for you? Please go to our website and send me an email, or a hello, or send me your contact info and I’ll gladly put you on or direct advertising list. Thank you, San Marcos and Hays County for allowing me to serve your jewelry needs and I plan to continue in the future.

With Deep Gratitude,

Christie Maycock

Christie’s Jewelers


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    1. Christie, Sorry to read your letter. I can fully understand and wish you the best. There have been many changes to retail in our day and I cannot say I like them much. Judy and I hope your future will be easier. Dave

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